Support Group

Dr. Margaret offers a 6-week Zoom support group. To join Dr. Margaret's telephone support group, call 310-459-1700 or 888-646-6372.

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Daily Inspiration

When our intent is to learn, we are able to hear the truth, even when it is difficult. This does not mean that we do not express pain or fear when the truth is hurtful or scary, but that if these feelings arise we handle them responsibly. When we become a safe receptacle for truth, others will naturally tell us the truth. Notice if you are willing to hear the truth.


"Before Inner Bonding came into my life I was a loner and an atheist. Since it has, I'm still a loner. But now a happy loner because I experience the continuing joy of internal connection among spirit guidance, loving adult and inner child. The solidity and reliability of this most fruitful relationship depends, however, on meeting the challenge day by day, hour by hour, of making sure that the decision maker, the loving adult is indeed fully loving. Happily, this challenge becomes easier and easier to address as the days go by - Life in joy can become habitual." Santa Fe Intensive, 10/04
Noel Sorrell

'I would like to say that one Intensive is never enough…it isn't that each Intensive has enough information and healing, each one worth years of therapy, but each Intensive serves for a deeper understanding and connection with self and others.' Colorado Intensive, 6.10

Suzi Korsak

“Attending intensives for me offers one of the most profound learning and transformative experiences I have ever come across in this field. There’s literally nothing like it. 

"Previously as a participant, and now as a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator and regular assistant to Margaret on her Intensives. I get to witness and support the deepest level of change work of it’s kind. I literally see people break out of repeating patterns that have been deeply held in place for years (often in a matter of days) and learn how to truly love themselves. It’s amazing and such a sacred privilege to be a part of.

"From a professional perspective observing Margaret work with people in these intensives is always a master class and provides ongoing training. This deepens my fluency with the process and supports my ability to go even deeper, both in my own personal growth and by helping me to be most effective when working with clients in my own coaching business.

"If you’re reading this and wondering if you should attend one I really encourage you to do so, you won’t regret it”.

Victor Granville

"Margaret Paul is a Wizard. She gives you tools to do personal transformation. Tools that you can carry with you everywhere, and you don't need any high-tech for it. Tools that will bring you the lost part of yourself. This Intensive is way beyond anything I could have imagined. We shared common human stories of our woundedness and different ways we expressed it, and our struggle to change. And we started to change. It was a blessing to see people starting to understand what we were doing to ourselves, believing that others are doing it to us." Intensive, Lucerne Valley, CA, 7/05
Ivanka Jankovic

"For the second time in my life I have felt extremely safe in an environment of love and care. I found myself sharing very intimate aspects of myself that I have never felt safe enough to share before now. Margaret and her staff's deep caring for each individual was most evident and contributed to depth of safety experienced in the group. I began to have an understanding of who I am in the world and it gave me a process to improve how I show up in the world. In my belief system we teach that every person is whole, perfect and complete, but Inner bonding provides the process for realizing one's wholeness, perfection and inner completion. I am deeply grateful for having arrived at this transformational junction on my journey." Davison, MI - September 2000
Angela Davis

I find it somewhat ironic that I'm writing something that is impossible to articulate. The truth is, the message cannot be conveyed in words. It is an experience. One beyond any I've ever encountered. One cannot accurately describe miracles. You must encounter them first hand. I know that I am still only a short way down this enlightened path, but now it is not a daunting chore, it is a wonderful and exciting journey. I'm going back for more. Life is great.
Bill Lae

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When our intent is to learn, we are able to hear the truth, even when it is difficult. This does not mean that we do not express pain or fear when the truth is hurtful or scary, but that if these feelings arise we handle them responsibly. When we become a safe receptacle for truth, others will naturally tell us the truth. Notice if you are willing to hear the truth.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events