Free Webinar/Teleseminar

WebinarDr. Margaret Paul offers two free Webinar that can help you with your Inner Bonding process, and that introduces you to courses that will also be helpful to you.

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Daily Inspiration

When our intent is to learn, we are able to hear the truth, even when it is difficult. This does not mean that we do not express pain or fear when the truth is hurtful or scary, but that if these feelings arise we handle them responsibly. When we become a safe receptacle for truth, others will naturally tell us the truth. Notice if you are willing to hear the truth.


"Uplifting! It brought me out. Out from inside my head. Out from inside my closet. Out from a dark mull in the woods." Rowe, MA, 4/04
Michael Armstrong

A transformational experience, beyond any previous therapy. Each intensive that I attend allows me to move closer to achieving my full potential. Inner Bonding is the key to successful relationship. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to participate in this safe, loving, learning experience. Margie is a dedicated teacher, with a wonderful gift to share. 2003
Enid Kessler

"During the 5-Day Intensive, I felt released from my wounded self's need to work so hard to control myself and others.  Now the Spirit flows through me, teaching me how to use my emotions as information.  As a result, I am learning to love myself and others with fewer expectations." Colorado Intensive, 6/08
Susie Keown

'The Inner Bonding Workshop is wonderful and empowering.  I feel a deep sense of well being.  It reaffirms the path I already was on and makes me conscious and determined to stick with it. When I started Inner Bonding I did not have the ability to be alone, to spend time in my own company.  If I felt upset or cried about something I would need a friend or loved one.  Two years later, just a few months prior to the Workshop, I lost my 16 year old son in a tragic accident.  I am immersed in the deepest pain possible and not afraid of it.  I can just cry and cry like my heart is breaking and be able to comfort myself and be there for myself and know that this will pass.  I am able to go through what I am today (death, divorce, moving countries) because I have ME.' Los Angeles Weekend Workshop, 3.11
Shonali Bose

'I didn't know what to expect. What happened for me was transformation, connection but mostly love! Thank you.'  Northern California 3-Day Advanced Intensive - August 2015

Laura Sanchez

'After attending and participating in my first Intensive, it is my belief that the work that took place was more profound, productive, positive and life giving than any efforts or endeavors that took place in my life up to this point.  I couldn't imagine a soul that wouldn't benefit from Inner Bonding and whose life wouldn't be enriched by the process.  Many thanks to Dr. Margaret, the Inner Bonding Facilitators, community and myself for having the courage to see the truth and embody it.' Colorado Intensive 6.12

John Paul Kramny

Explore More Inner Bonding



When our intent is to learn, we are able to hear the truth, even when it is difficult. This does not mean that we do not express pain or fear when the truth is hurtful or scary, but that if these feelings arise we handle them responsibly. When we become a safe receptacle for truth, others will naturally tell us the truth. Notice if you are willing to hear the truth.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events