Who Benefits

INNER BONDING was designed to help anyone seeking to heal their fears, false beliefs, anxiety, depression, anger, emptiness and stress. It helps couples heal their relationship and create more passion and intimacy. It also greatly helps those seeking to enhance their self-esteem, creativity, personal power, joy and inner peace. It helps:

  • Individuals struggling with issues of aloneness, emptiness, depression, self-esteem, anger, or violence; addiction problems including weight problems and food addiction, drug and alcohol addiction, relationship, love and sex addiction; personal issues including childhood physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual abuse; shame, lack of motivation and goal achievement, and problems at work.
  • Couples who are suffering from communication difficulties, power struggles, sexual difficulties, boundary problems, or spousal abuse, as well as couples who want to deepen their relationship - their ability to love, connect and be intimate.
  • Parents who are having problems with their children or parents who want to expand their ability to lovingly parent.
  • Individuals with issues related to control, resistance, communication and boundary issues.
  • Professionals who seek to help their clients, patients, or students overcome the above-mentioned conditions.
  • Individuals in creative fields who want to enhance their creativity.





Explore More Inner Bonding



When our intent is to learn, we are able to hear the truth, even when it is difficult. This does not mean that we do not express pain or fear when the truth is hurtful or scary, but that if these feelings arise we handle them responsibly. When we become a safe receptacle for truth, others will naturally tell us the truth. Notice if you are willing to hear the truth.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events