Testimonials -

IBFTP Trainers & Participants

Director of Training, Stel Fine 

IBFTP Trainers: Stel Fine, Karen Kral, Michael Barmak, Grace Escaip and Victor Granville

IBFTP #2 Participant - Patricia (USA)

IBFTP #3 Participant - Rob (Spain)

IBFTP #3 Participant - Rania(Egypt)

IBFTP #3 Participant - Lucinda (UK)

IBFTP #3 Participant - Meli (Argentina)

IBFTP #2 Participant - Tina (Croatia)

IBFTP #3 Participant - Jenn (USA)


Written Testimonials for IBFTP #1

"We explored the theory behind the 6 steps, while also being able to practice them with each other and observe. Having a certified facilitator available for each practice group provided a lot of valuable insight and guidance, and the feedback given by facilitators was concrete and empowering. All trainers were truly wonderful and brought unique gifts and talents and mastery to the program."

"I felt it was far beyond my expectations. My personal growth was spectacular and I could see it in others."

"I learned so much about facilitating. Watching others facilitate helped me learn ways that I can incorporate things I had not thought of or knew about."

"What I liked most about the training was doing Psychodrama, learning about resistance and going through the steps of Inner Bonding in such creative ways."

"All trainers were knowledgeable, experienced, brilliant, vulnerable, competent and modeled the spirit of Inner Bonding."

"Most of what I learned from the trainers was not from what they said but from who they were."

"The training met my needs and more. I came with the intention of getting better connected to my Loving Adult and that has been fully achieved to a much greater impact than I realistically expected."

"It's been life-changing for me!"

"The experiential nature of the training helped me assimilate the 6 steps in a deeper way."

"I liked the variation of teaching techniques--psychodrama, posters around the room, acting things out, worksheets, etc."

"I am just blown away by the miracle of Inner Bonding and how learning to be a facilitator has been transformational for me. I think the program is outstanding."

"Exceeded my expectations."

"This was one of the most powerful and healing experiences I've ever had in my life. I'm in a better place than I've ever been. My marriage is so much more solid. It's just been wonderful. I feel full of gratitude for the journey that we've experienced together with this very extraordinary and safe group of loving people."

"I'm a different person than when I started. They say form is substance. I've lost 82 pounds. I've come out of hiding and am fully myself. So much of that was able to happen because of the safety of this community and the love I felt from each of you."

"I don't know how it could have been better!"

"It was beyond awesome!"

Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program

"This program has been a great journey of deep, deep learning, connection and growth. It's been a dream of mine--once I came across this modality and how it impacted me, and I got so excited about it--to finally be here, certified. To be guided by wonderful mentors has been such a great experience. I thank God for all of you. I hope that each and every one of us goes out into the world and is able to serve those who are waiting on the gift that we all have to offer--supporting them in their own journey to more loving." IBFTP Participant

Virtual Inner Bonding® Facilitator Training Program 2023-2025

We are pleased to announce the upcoming all-virtual Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program (IBFTP), a 16-month experiential, comprehensive training curriculum that provides a balance of professional development with the opportunity for profound personal transformation.  

The program will begin October 18-22, 2023 and end on Sunday, January 26, 2025. Training days will run from 8am-2:30pm MT. All dates can be found on the Schedule page.

Graduates who successfully complete the training requirements will be eligible to post their biographies on the Inner Bonding Website as "Facilitators in Training" and earn facilitation practice hours to become Certified Facilitators of Inner Bonding.

Participants who complete the program will have gained the confidence and competence to begin working with individual clients, while simultaneously experiencing deeper contact with themselves and their spiritual guidance due to the personal growth orientation of the program.  This connection will allow participants to operate more effectively from their Loving Adult selves in their personal lives, navigate challenging situations from a place of inner strength, and live with more joy, awareness and peace.  Participants in the previous programs considered this the most transformational program they've ever taken in their lives. The unique, small group format of the IBFTP, with a maximum of 18 participants per training program, allows for personal attention from the trainers and provides an environment for cultivating deep and lasting friendships with other participants.

All the information about certification can be found HERE

The “Inner Curriculum”

The primary purpose of Inner Bonding has always been to aid participants in living from their Loving Adult, which means living with purpose, integrity, clarity, centeredness and from a place of peace and joy.  How do you do this when the client in front of you is triggering your childhood trauma?  When you have moved out of your compassion?  When you are judging yourself?  When you are afraid?  Even when you’ve forgotten the steps of Inner Bonding?  In this program, we will show you.  We’ll teach you how being an Inner Bonding facilitator is about the courage to know and to be who you really are; we’ll teach you how “who you are” is enough. Come join us and become an integral part of the Inner Bonding family of facilitators.

Find out about the program training team HERE

What is included in the program?

Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program (IBFTP) groups are small and intimate, providing each participant with the opportunity for engaged learning and personal transformation. The length of the virtual IBFTP is 16 months and includes (subject to change):

Module 1:  The Cosmology and Practical Application of Inner Bonding

A 5-day experiential training focused on the six steps, personal growth and facilitation practice; held via Zoom. This multi-day training provides exercises to deepen your understanding and relationship with the 6 steps and the different aspects of your consciousness. Participants will explore their personal internal worlds and begin to practice facilitation, as well as observe demonstration facilitations by trainers.

Seven 2-day Training Weekends

These weekends explore various facets of Inner Bonding that occur both in facilitating others and the participants' personal growth. Examples include Working with Victim Consciousness, Qualities of Effective Facilitation, and How to Return to The Loving Adult When Triggered. Each weekend provides didactic learning, demonstration facilitations by trainers, and supervised participant triad practice.

Seven 2-hour Training Meetings

These will include Ethics & Practice (led by trainer), Nutritional Psychology (led by Margaret), and Marketing (led by Margaret) as well as discussing specific topics, doing experiential exercises, and Q&A opportunities with the trainers.

Facilitation Practicum - Parts 1 & 2

Participants engage in facilitation practice with other participants in front of the entire group and receive trainer support and feedback. These facilitations are both a learning opportunity, as well as an evaluation of the participant’s readiness to become a Facilitator-in-Training. The multi-day training ends with an end-of-Program Completion and Celebration.

Self Study Practice Periods

Participants will engage in various activities outside of the large group trainings throughout the program. These activities include doing daily written Inner Bonding dialogues, meeting monthly with their peer support groups, and doing homework assignments. In addition, participants will do recorded dyad facilitations with 12 of their assigned peers and submit one of the recorded dyad facilitations to the trainers for evaluation and feedback.

The full program schedule can be found HERE

Who should apply?

The deeply immersive Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program (IBFTP) is designed for adults from all backgrounds who have benefited from the Inner Bonding process developed by Dr. Margaret Paul and Dr. Erika Chopich.  Some are counselors, therapists, ministers, coaches, healing professionals and teachers.  Some are leaders, entrepreneurs and consultants.  Others have no work experience in these areas but have been on their own personal and spiritual growth path and feel ready to take the next step.  We believe the best Inner Bonding facilitators are the ones who are committed to their own growth and healing and are therefore able to compassionately walk beside and guide others from their Loving Adult. Many people may choose to take this training solely for their own personal growth, as it is the deepest coursework Inner Bonding offers. This program is an investment not only in your future career but in the quality of your life and relationships. To apply to the program, potential participants must complete or be in the process of completing the program prerequisites listed below.

Everything you need to know about tuition fees and how to apply can be found on the Tuition & Application page.

Program Prerequisites

The hallmark of Inner Bonding Facilitators is the work they have done on themselves in addition to the facilitation skills they will learn through the Facilitator Training Program.  Therefore, applicants to the IBFTP must demonstrate a high level of maturity, self-awareness and ability to apply the steps and concepts of Inner Bonding to their personal growth. It is up to the discretion of the trainers to determine whether a person is ready to join the program.

We believe that the Facilitator Training Program should be the last step in a person’s journey toward becoming an Inner Bonding® Facilitator, and that each potential participant must fulfill prerequisites to deeply learn the Inner Bonding process in order to be eligible to enter the IBFTP. 

To apply to the program, potential participants must complete or be in the process of completing EITHER the Inner Bonding Foundations Course, OR the Previous Prerequisites listed below.


  • Inner Bonding Foundation Course - This is a 9-week live training to help you gain confidence and skill in practicing the 6-step process on your own. The course can help you strengthen your self-facilitation skills, understand the underlying purpose of each step, identify obstacles and received tools to work through them so you can move through challengesThe program starts with a 2-day workshop where you'll practice the steps, understand their purpose, and overcome any obstacles with the guidance of our trainers. Over the next 9 weeks, you'll have 4 one-on-one coaching sessions with a trainer, participate in bi-weekly support group sessions, and access Margaret's Laser Facilitation Masterclass. You'll also watch example self-facilitation videos, complete workbook assignments, and discuss your progress with the trainers. To integrate your learning, you'll be asked to do a daily 6-step process throughout the program.


Previous Prerequisite Bundle 

(Check the Events page to view upcoming available intensives.)

What are the requirements for application?

If you have completed or are in the process of completing the program prerequisites listed above, you may apply to the Inner Bonding Facilitator Training program by:

Everything you need to know about tuition fees and how to apply can be found HERE

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the FAQ page HERE


Grace Escaip, Director of Training, at: ibftp@innerbonding.com

©Dr. Margaret Paul, Dr. Erika Chopich, Inner Bonding® Educational Technologies, Inc. 2024


Explore More Inner Bonding



Become open hearted and willing to learn and choose to be with those who are also open. When two or more are gathered with a willingness to learn about love, there is the deep joyousness of connection.



Inner Bonding Events

09/28/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/19/2024 08:00 AM
Saturday Immersion
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events