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Certified Facilitators Icon 

Inner Bonding Certified Facilitators are encouraged to add this icon to their web sites and blogs.

Certified Facilitator of Healing & Self Growth for Relationships, Addictions, Parenting Family Issues, Feelings of Aloneness, and Spiritual Connection

Copy and paste the text from the box into your web page:

<a href="/show-page/90/facilitators.html"><img src="/images/Inner_Bonding_Certified_Facilitator.gif" alt="Certified Facilitator of Healing & Self Growth for Relationships, Addictions, Parenting Family Issues, Feelings of Aloneness, and Spiritual Connection" border=0></a>


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The loving Adult tells the truth. Focus on awareness of the untruths you may be telling yourself about yourself, and about having control over others and the outcome of things, and ask your Guidance for the truth.



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