Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You? German Edition - Muss ich mich aufgeben, um von Dir geliebt zu werden? Trainingprogramm fur eine selbstbewusste Partnerschaft
By Drs. Jordan & Margaret Paul
Ariston, Germany, 2000

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Describes dealing with conflict in relationships from an intent to learn rather than an intent to protect against pain.

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When you feel great, enjoy it! When you feel fearful, anxious, depressed or angry, compassionately explore it. These painful feelings are letting you know you are off track - thinking things that are not true. This is how God lets us know we are off track in our thinking. When we are in joy, we are on track, coming from truth. When we are fearful, anxious, depressed or angry, we are off track, coming from false beliefs. Opening to learning will lead you to the truth and back into joy.



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