Daily Inspiration

Which journey do you focus on - the earthly journey or the soul's journey? When focused on the earthly journey, we want to get all we can while attempting to control others and outcomes. When focused on the soul's journey, we open learning with our spiritual Guidance, allowing the Love and Wisdom that is God to guide us. Since we are here to evolve our souls in our ability to love ourselves and others, focus today on the spiritual journey of the soul.


From the Foreword of Diet for Divine Connection: "While I’ve found Dr. Paul’s work to be immensely valuable, both in my own life and in the lives of my clients over the years, the aspect of transformation she brings into focus in Diet for Divine Connection fills a gap in our culture’s understanding that’s truly groundbreaking....The message in this book is essential and timely.  Sadly, one out of four women in North America is on antidepressants. This staggering epidemic of unhappiness is due in great part to these two things—our diet, and our disconnection from our divine source. The way in which Margaret connects these two fields offers a quantum breakthrough in our understanding....

"If ever I start to feel disconnected from my own self-love, my divine connection, I turn to either Margaret’s work or Margaret herself. She has proven herself to be a trusted guide over the decades. In this book, she will clearly show you how to use food to strengthen your own divine connection in a profound way.  It is with great joy that I invite you to turn these pages and take in her wisdom and guidance for yourself."

Marci Shimoff

"Dr. Margaret Paul's "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" beautifully shows how God's love nurtures and directs our psychological growth, restoring peace, passion and sanity. You will find much to agree with, argue against and ponder; this book will leave you changed.

ABOUT "DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP ME TO BE LOVED BY GOD" - "Margaret Paul has written a powerful book that explores one of the most significant relationships of all - our relationship with God. She creatively teaches us the value of stepping into a new spiritual paradigm-into love and trust of self, others and God."

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “Dr. Margaret Paul spent years uncovering the ways we can connect with our guidance, and how that is related to the many different kinds of nourishment (both physical and emotional) we give our bodies. In Diet For Divine Connection, you will discover how to heal resistance to physical and emotional self-care, and how to loving act on your own behalf in any moment. Margaret Paul is connected with her own internal GPS, teaches us how to do the same, and in the process, so much healing takes place. We’re fortunate to have her as our guide.”

Geneen Roth

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: "Profound and practical insights for integrating the psychology of healing our hearts with the foods we eat to expand our consciousness and strengthen our divine connection with spirit."

John Gray, PhD

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “In this breakthrough work, Dr. Margaret Paul brings us the science that connects diet and the Divine. Dr. Paul also teaches us how to overcome any blocks to loving ourselves so that we can let go of junk foods and junk thoughts and open to at-will Divine connection. Read it—it will forever change your understanding of food and spirituality, and how to embrace the thought and action choices necessary to achieve Divine connection.“

Hyla Cass MD

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Which journey do you focus on - the earthly journey or the soul's journey? When focused on the earthly journey, we want to get all we can while attempting to control others and outcomes. When focused on the soul's journey, we open learning with our spiritual Guidance, allowing the Love and Wisdom that is God to guide us. Since we are here to evolve our souls in our ability to love ourselves and others, focus today on the spiritual journey of the soul.



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