Personal Healing Package #1

Public $139.95
Platinum Members $99.00
Become a Platinum Member and save $40.95

Interview Packages – purchase a package of 6 Interviews and receive the Interviews for 40% off – a savings of $100. $139.95 ($239.95 if purchased separately) 

This package contains:

Abandoning Yourself vs. Loving Yourself

Healing The Fear of Rejection

Going Deeper With Inner Bonding

The Message of Emotions

Healing Your Wounded Self

Healing Self-Judgment

Explore More Inner Bonding



Which journey do you focus on - the earthly journey or the soul's journey? When focused on the earthly journey, we want to get all we can while attempting to control others and outcomes. When focused on the soul's journey, we open learning with our spiritual Guidance, allowing the Love and Wisdom that is God to guide us. Since we are here to evolve our souls in our ability to love ourselves and others, focus today on the spiritual journey of the soul.



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