Daily Inspiration

How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.


Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: "Profound and practical insights for integrating the psychology of healing our hearts with the foods we eat to expand our consciousness and strengthen our divine connection with spirit."

John Gray, PhD

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: According to the reports from thousands of individuals and numerous physicians, when people switch to a non-GMO organic diet, they experience dramatic improvements in health, clarity, concentration, weight loss, memory, and energy. Many recover from anxiety and depression. The toxins in food have robbed millions of their health and vitality. Reversing this trend sets the stage for the kind of life we all desire. Healthy food is the urgent first step. Thank you Margaret for ringing that bell.” 

Jeffrey M. Smith

"Margaret's latest book, "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" is a powerful, effective method for learning to love ourselves at the deepest spiritual level so that we can love others fully."

[About "Inner Bonding"] A wake-up call to the most exciting miracle of the universe: your life.
Peter and Lynda Guber

[About "Inner Bonding"] The system of reparenting discussed in this book will supply you with the most loving, dependable, supportive friend you'll ever have yourself. What a joy to know you're not alone anymore.
Lindsay Wagner

Margaret Paul has synthesized a remarkable amount of research sharing a wealth of insights of what and how we eat and think are connected to our physical, mental, emotional states as well as our spiritual consciousness and ability to evolve. She brilliantly shares with us how we can raise our frequency, giving us deeper access to our ability to connect with the divine.

After absorbing life-changing information, readers are masterfully led into Margaret Paul’s powerful Inner Bonding work. Through experiential exercises and case studies readers are taught life-changing skills to heal what is disconnecting them from their divine self.

“Diet for Divine Connection is truly remarkable, filled with so many resources. I will use this book as a guide to read again and again. This book is a true gift to anyone who reads it and speaks so well to how to navigate the times we are living in.”

Sandra Ingerman, MA


Inner Bonding books to help you with your emotional and spiritual learning and healing process. 

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How to Access Spiritual Guidance for Your Joyful Highest Good Every Moment of Your Life How to Access Spiritual Guidance for Your Joyful Highest Good Every Moment of Your Life
By Dr. Margaret Paul
This is a small book designed to help you with a major aspect of the Inner Bonding® process: staying connected with your personal spiritual [...] more
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The 6 Secrets to Profound Self-Love and Joyous Connection The 6 Secrets to Profound Self-Love and Joyous Connection
By Dr. Margaret Paul
This small book, accessed through Margaret's spiritual Guidance, can bring clarity to the Inner Bonding® process.
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Dear God, What Is Love? Dear God, What Is Love?
By Dr. Margaret Paul and Sheryl Paul
Dr. Margaret and her daughter Sheryl collaborated on this small book about love. Each little section explores a different aspect of love and loving. [...] more
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Beloved Companionship - An Alternative To Loneliness Beloved Companionship - An Alternative To Loneliness
By By Margaret Paul, Ph.D.
Introduction This is a book about a very important subject - how to create a lifestyle where we are not lonely, especially as we [...] more
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How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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