Who Benefits from Inner Bonding?
Inner Bonding is of benefit to anyone seeking to heal their fears, false beliefs, anxiety, depression, and stress. It is of benefit to couples seeking to heal their relationship or create more passion and intimacy. It is of benefit to anyone seeking to enhance their self-esteem, creativity, personal power, joy and inner peace. It is also of benefit to health care professionals seeking to help others heal.
- Individuals who are struggling with issues of aloneness,
depression, spirituality, self-esteem, anger, or violence;
addiction problems including weight problems and food addiction,
drug and alcohol addiction, relationship, love, and sex addiction;
and personal issues including childhood physical, sexual,
emotional, and spiritual abuse; motivation and goal achievement,
and problems at work.
- Couples who are suffering from communication difficulties,
power struggles, sexual difficulties, boundary problems, or
spousal abuse; or couples who want to deepen their relationships,
their ability to love, connect, and be intimate.
- Parents who are having problems with their children or parents
who want to expand their ability to lovingly parent.
- All individuals who want to deepen their spiritual connection
through healing their own core shame issues.
- Managers, employers, employees, co-workers, and business
partners who want to resolve their conflicts related to control,
resistance, communication, and boundary issues.
- Teachers and educators who want to model loving behavior and
achieve greater rapport with their students.
- Mental health professionals who want to learn the process to
use with themselves and their clients.
- Religious professionals who want to deepen their spiritual
connection and help others do the same.
- Artists, writers, musicians, actors and directors who want to expand their creativity through deepening their inner and spiritual connection, learning to create directly from the Source.

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Daily Inspiration
"Peace begins with me." This week, take this to heart by focusing on creating inner peace through thinking peaceful thoughts and taking peaceful actions toward yourself and others. The moment you have anxiety, notice the thoughts creating it and bring your thoughts back to the truth, which creates inner peace.
By Dr. Margaret Paul