Rules for IBVillage Forum and for 'What's New"


  • When you post, be sure that you are open to learning. This is a place to support you in your Inner Bonding process.
  • Always focus on being compassionate and caring with members - not judgmental. We want this to be a safe place to share your struggles and triumphs without fear of overt or covert criticism. 
  • We honor each other's inner knowing. We share from our own life experience, never insisting others agree with our point of view. Kindness is our focus in all our dealings on IBVilage.
  • Look for the best in others.
  • We love when you share your own experiences that might be helpful to others.
  • Refrain from analyzing others.
  • Be careful of projecting your own feelings and experiences onto others
  • The Forum is a place for discussing your struggles and triumphs with Inner Bonding and receiving help and support for your IB process. 
  • If you are having a hard time, please make sure you are open to learning about the feedback you receive. 
  • If you want Dr. Margaret's help in the Forum, you need to state it in a short paragraph. Due to time constraints, she won't read long posts, and she doesn't read all posts. She oversees the safety of the Forum, but doesn't often participate. Questions are to be addressed primarily in the Advice section.

By participating in IBVillage you agree to the following shared agreements:

1. I agree to share within the framework of the practice, teachings and premises of Inner Bonding.

Inner Bonding adheres to the four basic premises:

Premise #1: We are responsible for our intention to control or our intention to learn to love moment-by-moment, regardless of external circumstances.

Premise #2: We have the ability to create circumstances and opportunities in our lives that reflect our clear intention to learn to love ourselves and others. We commit to this intention and to living in alignment with this intention.

Premise #3: When we learn to love ourselves, our external world will alter accordingly.

Premise #4: Part of learning to love ourselves is choosing to be gentle with ourselves when we realize that we are in the intention to control rather than in the intention to love. No matter how many times we notice this, we choose to attempt to let go of self-judgment as we move ourselves back into the intention to love ourselves and others.

By agreeing to this 1st Shared Agreement, I agree to give up sharing about my experience from a victimized perspective and to lean into taking full responsibility for my own experiences on this forum, in life and in love while I’m participating in Inner Bonding Village.

2. I agree to be 100% responsible for my own wellbeing while participating in the forum and in any other place in IBVillage.

4. I agree to honor the confidentiality of others in IBVillage.

5. I agree to take responsibility for being a guardian of the container of safety and cohesion in IBVillage.

6. I understand that posts that upset other members and create a lack of safety in the forum or in ‘What’s New’ will be taken down.

IBVillage is primarily a place where we share our exploration of the Inner Bonding process. We also share laughs, thought provoking articles, our own creative art and writing...but at the core it is a place where we seek input as we journey into a new way of being.

It is our responsibility to accept or reject the comments offered on IBVillage, not the responsibility of posters to say what we want to hear.

Likewise, it is the responsibility of posters to avoid insisting others agree with their viewpoint.

What IBVillage is not: it isn't a social media group where people share mundane daily activities, nor is it a place where you can expect responses to all your posts. It isn't a place to seek blind support. It is a place to learn and grow and receive support for your learning and growing.

Posting on the forum does not replace the need to practice the Inner Bonding process.

Explore More Inner Bonding



Who makes your decisions - your wounded self or your loving Adult? You might want to notice that decisions made from your wounded self never turn out well. You will always be guided toward your highest good when your loving Adult is open to learning with Spirit about what is truly loving to you.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

10/28/2024 08:00 AM
3-Day Intensive & Add On to Margaret's Intensive
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

All Inner Bonding Events