Lonely No More
By Dr. Margaret Paul with Dr. Erika Chopich

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Discover The Astonishing Power of Inner Bonding in Healing Your Aloneness
In Lonely No More, Dr. Margaret Paul will help you…
  • Discover your own truth
  • Create and maintain a daily, ongoing, and personal connection with your higher guidance
  • Understand how our false beliefs and resulting disconnection from spiritual guidance may have come about
  • Replace your false beliefs with truth
  • Discover peace, joy, and personal connection with the love, truth, wisdom, and power that is God
  • Heal from spiritual abuse
  • Love yourself and embrace the beauty of your true soul self
  • Put into practice a powerful road map to healing the false beliefs that may be keeping you limited
  • Learn the most rewarding path for expressing love and your intrinsic gifts
  • And much more…

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If you shut down your feelings to avoid pain, how can you know what is right or wrong for you? Spirit often speaks to us through our feelings, so when you protect against pain rather than open to learning about what your feelings are telling you, you are shutting out the very guidance you need to feel safe.



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