Self-Care for Mothers, Part One
By Sylvia PoareoJanuary 15, 2009
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the idea of finding time to take care of your self in the midst of caring for your children? Read about ways you can integrate true self care into your daily life with less stress and more peace.
Yes, going to the spa, getting out with the girls, or
daily efforts like making time for meditation or a walk, are all
excellent forms of self care because they rejuvenate and center us.
a more expansive concept of self-care is not something to do, or be
added to a list - it is a state of mind, a shift in focus. It is
mothering yourself as you mother your children, day by day, moment by
moment with self-presence, acceptance and connection. Today, I will
focus on self-presence.
Throughout the day, as our children’s
needs call us to put our attention and energy on them, it is easy to
lose our center. We can be overwhelmed by all of the needs or things to
do, as they never truly end. Being present with ourselves, means
stepping back from all of this, recognizing the hamster wheel that it
is, and coming back to our soul.
Self-presence is not
something we do, it is where we put our attention. Rather than going
outside of ourselves, it is a sinking back into ourselves. It is a
letting go of “what’s happening out there” to “what’s happening
in-here?” How am I feeling? What is my heart yearning for?
we tend to automatically respond by doing something, like a
self-nurturing activity, often all we need is to simply be with
ourselves in the same way we offer our children our presence. Have you
ever tried not engaging with your child’s dialogue and simply being
fully present with them, with a smile or a hug? Have you felt them melt
in those moments? It is like this. It is not having all the answers, it
is simply choosing to be here in this moment, giving our attention to
ourselves. Smiling to ourselves in recognition and honor of our own
beauty. In Inner Bonding we would say, it is simply being with and holding on to your inner child.
Some ways to facilitate this are:
- Take deep breaths - imagine they are filling your heart, nurturing your body and reminding you of your spirit
- Stop mind chatter, let go of thoughts, and simply rest in your silence (while doing dishes, etc. Sitting still not required)
- Think of the nurturing that you give your children that is beyond words - a feeling of goodwill, love, compassion, care. Then turn these feelings inward.
- Consciously connect to your spiritual guidance and ask for help in honoring your soul, moment by moment
- Seek help if you find that you have many blocks to self-love. Many of us have internalized lies that keep us from opening to love. This can be healed.
Above all, make a commitment to love and care for
yourself just as you do your children, valuing your soul as an
important member of your family.
***For more information on individual counseling, Conscious Mothering Circles, Connected Family talks and Mama/Baby Blessings, please email: n sylviagrace8@yahoo.com , or call: 714/334-2044.

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Daily Inspiration
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