We're All Cracked Pots
By Suzi KorsakApril 07, 2010
Have you ever heard the story of the cracked water jug? Read on and see how it relates to Inner Bonding...
Have you ever heard the story of the water jug that quite didn’t have it all together? It had flaws, and according to the other water jugs and pots it was useless because of its flaws. The jug agreed, but wanted to be used. Each day when the owner would go to gather water she would grab this jug along with a beautiful perfect jug that would torment the jug along the path, and also ask the lady why she had to work with such a useless jug. One day the jug brings up the courage to ask the lady why would she ever pick her for bringing water, knowing full well that along the way home more than half the water had been lost along the path. The woman pointed out to the pot that along the path she had planted flower seeds, and that each day on the way home the cracked pot had watered the path. This gave the woman great joy, and it was the work of the cracked pot that she had beautiful flowers to look at and pick on her long journey to the well and home.
Many of you have probably considered this story, and thought for a moment about how you could be used. But if you are like me, the wounded self probably stepped in. It got me thinking about Nancy’s chat, and subsequent article, entitled “The Wounded Self Olympics”. It was one of those nights that people were really feeling their wounded pain, and wanted to be seen and heard, that the one that needed the most help would win. Well, it’s like each one was the little pot wanting to be fixed, but if that little pot didn’t have its flaws, its weaknesses it couldn’t have been of service. I had come to this place when dealing with some deep heartbreak, believing I couldn’t be of service, a wounded self thought for sure. Away from the wounded self, and with love and compassion those “cracks” become our greatest point of service to others. We must first bring love and compassion into ourselves, even the wounded parts, even the parts that are stuck. Love and compassion are the only ways out of feeling that we can’t be of use until we are fixed. God, Spirit, or whatever you believe did not call the qualified, but qualifies the called to service of others, it is in our weakness, our brokenness that we can have compassion for others, because we can understand how much heartbreak, loneliness, and helplessness is in the world. With love and compassion, we can change that for ourselves and in turn for one another.
Why not ask guidance about your “cracks” and “flaws”, and for that matter the “damage” and ask how to bring love and compassion into your vessel, fill it at the well, and from fullness, and watch that love and compassion pour out in unexpected places. God knows that in our brokenness we can be healed, and in our brokenness we can show others the path to healing through Inner Bonding. Today be thankful that you aren’t perfect, and ask how your imperfections have made you a vessel for love and compassion for yourself, your family, and others you’ve made a difference to in this life without even knowing it. We’re here to encourage and lift each other up to the mirror that says, “I’m not broken, I am blessed, I am loved!”

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Daily Inspiration
One of the most powerful loving actions you can take is to be vigilant about your frequency. Today, focus on keeping your frequency high with loving and peaceful thoughts rather than indulging in angry, blaming or scary thoughts.
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