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"There's Too Much To Do"

By Dr. Margaret Paul
October 25, 2010

Do you ever feel stressed that there will never be enough time to get everything done? Listen to a conversation I had with my spiritual guidance about this.

grateful"There's too much to do. You'll never get it all done." My wounded self was harping on me about not having enough time.

It's true that my life is very busy. But every time my wounded self told me that there is too much to do and that I will never get it all done, my body got tense. And, as I well know, tension indicates that I'm telling myself a lie. But what was the lie? There WAS too much to do, and there WASN'T enough time to get it all done.

So I went to my guidance, asking for the truth and what to do about this, and this is what she said to me:

You are forgetting what is important here. The only thing that is important is your thoughts and your resulting frequency. When you allow your wounded self to tell you that you don't have enough time, then we (spirit) comply. "Okay," we say, "and we make sure that you never have enough time. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy - the more you say it, the more it is true."

"So are you saying that it's not necessarily true?" I asked her. "Then what is true?"

It is true as long as this is what you believe. And as long as this is what you believe, you will feel tense, which lowers your frequency and makes it impossible for us to help you manifest what you need to get everything done. You slow yourself down by being tense about time. So it is not a thought that is in your highest good. It is a thought that is out of alignment with your true soul, which wants to stay in a high frequency. What thought would make you feel relaxed?"

"Well, of course the thought that there is always enough time. But I've tried this and it works for the moment and then I get caught up in the time crunch again."

That's because, as I said, you are focusing on the wrong thing. You are focusing on time and getting things done, rather than on what is vitally important, which is keeping your frequency high. You know that being tense about anything lowers your frequency and prevents us from co-creating with you. You need to stay focused on thinking whatever thoughts you need to think to keep your frequency high and you will see that time will be fine.

"Really? You mean I will have enough time if I stop thinking about not having enough time and instead just think the thoughts that keep my frequency high?"

Yes, really! And you know from much experience that the thoughts that keep your frequency high are thoughts of heart-felt gratitude. You KNOW how to do this - you just forget when you have a lot to do.

"Thanks! I'm going to just focus on gratitude, not on time and all that I have to do, and see what happens."

My guidance is so amazing!

 It had not occurred to me, when I knew that I had tons to do, to focus on gratitude and keeping my frequency high rather than on all that I had to do.

And, of course, she is right. Since that conversation with her, I've been doing exactly that, and the amazing thing is that time seems to have expanded. Suddenly I'm either getting more done in less time, or I seem to have more time to get things done. I feel joyful all day and by the end of the day, I'm amazed at how great I feel! Tired, of course, but relaxed and peaceful and joyful.

Learn to connect with your spiritual guidance with Unlocking Your Inner Wisdom, A 30-Day at-home Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul.


Image by John Miller from Pixabay


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