Caring For The House Of The Soul
By Dr. Margaret PaulMarch 15, 2012
Often people who are on a spiritual path consistently disregard caring for their body, the temple of their soul - their inner child. Why?
I often meet very wonderful, open people who are devoted to a spiritual path, yet who consistently disregard caring for their body, the temple of their soul. A while back I met a brilliant man devoted to doing research regarding understanding different states of consciousness. He told me that he has had four heart attacks - the first at age 40. He was at least 50 pounds overweight.
Why? Why do so many consciously evolving people disregard the body that God gifted us with to house our soul - our inner child - while we evolve our consciousness?
I don't have a definitive answer for this one, but I do have an idea. I think that we live in such a lonely society that food becomes one of the few ways we have of handling our loneliness. Before TV, when people sat around and shared their lives with each other, there weren't so many sick and overweight people. Perhaps getting back to sharing our hearts would go a long way toward preventing heart attacks.
When people lived in closer communities, it was easy to get together with friends and family, even if a person didn't have a partner. People were not nearly as lonely when friends and family were close by. We are meant to live in community rather than in our separate, isolated houses. A friend of mine who lives alone has struggled with her weight for years, and the only time she has not had a struggle is when she had a friend staying with her for 6 months. They sat around the table each evening, like the Golden Girls, and shared their day. "I was able to easily maintain my weight while she was here, but I started to struggle again after she left." The Golden Girls had the right idea for people not in partnership.
Caring for the temple of our inner child is truly a sacred privilege. The more you get to know the incredible beauty of your soul essence - your true Self - the more you naturally want to take loving care of your body - the house you live in. We take care of what we value, and when you learn to value your Self, you will also value the body that your Self lives in. Through the practice of Inner Bonding, you develop your spiritual connection/loving adult, which is what enables you to see the magnificence of your soul - the spark of the Divine within. This deep healing naturally leads to taking the loving actions that create health and wellbeing.
You will find that the more you learn to value your beautiful essence, your wonderful inner child, the more you want to create a fit and healthy body for your essence to live in, and the more you focus on health rather than on weight, the easier it is to lose and maintain weight.
Ultimately, the secret to health and to permanent weight loss is wanting 100% responsibility for your feelings - for thinking and behaving in ways that bring you inner peace and joy. This is your right and your privilege.
Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her 30-Day at-home Relationships Course: "Loving Relationships: A 30-Day Home-Study Experience with Dr. Margaret Paul - For people who are partnered and people who want to be partnered."
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By Dr. Margaret Paul