We have all had the experience of having our minds and memories go "off line" just when we need a special prayer at a crucial time.
There are many different kinds of prayers and ways of praying. Here we offer a variety of prayers that may be helpful to you, and we invite you to share your favorites.
Photo by Miriams-Fotos
Article | Author |
Live the Question, Looking for Answers | Jean |
A Prayer | Anonymous |
Anthony's Prayer | Anthony J.W. Benson |
Gayatri Mantra | Kate Reardon |
Great Spirit Prayer, By An Unknown Native American | Monte U |
Ho'oponopono, a Huna Prayer | |
Invocation for a New Millennium | Dr. Margaret Paul |
My Prayer | Dr. Erika Chopich |
Our Father: A Direct Translation from Aramaic | Anonymous |
Prayer By Mother Teresa | Mother Teresa |
PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE | Michelle Albert |
Prayer of St. Francis, Adapted by Bill W. | Monte U |
The Serenity Prayer | Reinhold Niebuhr |
Winter Solstice Prayer to the Inner Child | Nancy Swisher |
Pages: 1 |
Daily Inspiration
When you do not accept that which you cannot change, you will feel angry and frustrated. Today, notice the energy you spend in not accepting what you cannot change: your partner, traffic, the weather, rude people, and so on. Focus on accepting what is and notice the peace you feel.
By Dr. Margaret Paul