Daily Inspiration

Which journey do you focus on - the earthly journey or the soul's journey? When focused on the earthly journey, we want to get all we can while attempting to control others and outcomes. When focused on the soul's journey, we open learning with our spiritual Guidance, allowing the Love and Wisdom that is God to guide us. Since we are here to evolve our souls in our ability to love ourselves and others, focus today on the spiritual journey of the soul.


Through this process I went from being my last resort to being my own best friend! Meeting my inner-child was the most rewarding moment in my life. I finally experienced the total goodness and light that is the essence of my being -- my true self. What could be a more powerful gift. It feels good to be whole!
Catherine Oxenberg

“A powerful message whose time has come! Dr. Margaret Paul’s Diet for Divine Connection is a cutting-edge spiritual look at how junk food and “junk thoughts” sabotage our connection to the Divine. Margaret’s proven processes will support you in shedding old habits and false beliefs so you can live, love, and lead from your inner wisdom and create a life of radiant health and inner peace.” 

Linda Joy

"Margaret's latest book, "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" is a powerful, effective method for learning to love ourselves at the deepest spiritual level so that we can love others fully."

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: "Profound and practical insights for integrating the psychology of healing our hearts with the foods we eat to expand our consciousness and strengthen our divine connection with spirit."

John Gray, PhD

[About "Inner Bonding"] The system of reparenting discussed in this book will supply you with the most loving, dependable, supportive friend you'll ever have yourself. What a joy to know you're not alone anymore.
Lindsay Wagner

FROM THE FORWARD OF "DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP ME TO BE LOVED BY GOD? " Would you think me crazy if I said there was a single process that could solve all the issues with which we as human beings struggle? Over the years, I begin noticing a common denominator in all these problems and came to the conclusion that there is only one issue: humankind's lack of experience in feeling our Divine self and our innate connection with the Divine. All other issues stem from this. Within the pages of this enlightened yet practical book, we are taught a most loving process [that] will take you on a life-changing journey down a path full of awakenings, tears, compassion, reunion, joy and peace. This path, in reference to our divinity, is one seldom even thought about, much less explored.

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Which journey do you focus on - the earthly journey or the soul's journey? When focused on the earthly journey, we want to get all we can while attempting to control others and outcomes. When focused on the soul's journey, we open learning with our spiritual Guidance, allowing the Love and Wisdom that is God to guide us. Since we are here to evolve our souls in our ability to love ourselves and others, focus today on the spiritual journey of the soul.



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