Daily Inspiration

Contentment is understanding with wings, and it can only be captured in the moment.


Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “In this breakthrough work, Dr. Margaret Paul brings us the science that connects diet and the Divine. Dr. Paul also teaches us how to overcome any blocks to loving ourselves so that we can let go of junk foods and junk thoughts and open to at-will Divine connection. Read it—it will forever change your understanding of food and spirituality, and how to embrace the thought and action choices necessary to achieve Divine connection.“

Hyla Cass MD

"Inner Bonding" is a welcome addition to the material on the Inner Child. It gives us a pragmatic, solution-oriented framework for resolving inner conflict.
Stephanie Covington, Ph.D.

"Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? is a treasure chest full of gifts which provide the essential tools for achieving inner peace, joy and fulfillment. A glorious book!"

"Once Again, Margaret Paul brings her expertise and her loving concern to the question of how to heal our relationships in her newest book, Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God? This time, she talks about our most important relationship, that with God and she provides clear and beautiful direction to guide us through our areas of wounding and resistance to a transformative connection with our Higher Power. Read this book! It could change your life."

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: “I have loved Margaret Paul’s teachings for over 20 years. She has always been ahead of her time and continues to be a renegade leading thinker and teacher in in the psycho-emotional and spiritual realm with this new book. Margaret deftly combines profound and integrated teachings for our modern times with certainty, experience and great clarity…all the while living what she teaches.

"Her holistic way of looking at wellbeing is inspirational, leading edge, and a great gift to anyone wanting support emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.

“This new book finds her evolving and integrating even more of her learned and hard-won wisdom by including even more aspects of our humanness…our bodies, our food choices and our minds and brains, all the while continuing to point us home to our true and most sacred selves.

“I am so happy Margaret Paul is on this earth.”

Alanis Morissette

Endorsement for Diet for Divine Connection: "Junk food and junk thoughts both have the same net effect. They clog you up and limit your vitality and your capacity for joy. In this penetrating and provocative book, Dr. Paul illumines how it’s all connected, and invites you on a pathway to greater mental, physical and spiritual wellness."

Ocean Robbin

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Contentment is understanding with wings, and it can only be captured in the moment.



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