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Releasing the Energy of False Beliefs

By Nancy Swisher, M.A.
November 28, 2008

When it comes to releasing the grip of the conditioned mind, energy psychology techniques are a great tool to have in your tool box. Tapping techniques are a loving action to take for healing the wounded child.

Doubt and resistance naturally come up when we’re taking steps to release the past and step into a new level of consciousness.

For instance, when you want to create something new in your life—a new job, your own business, a new relationship, a new body weight, a new level of joy, greater confidence in social situations—something that stretches beyond your current comfort zone, the old-programmed, limiting beliefs that you have been carrying with you, more than likely since childhood, will definitely come up.  Expansion always brings up negative beliefs if they are still lingering in your energy field and unconscious mind.  You must release the limiting beliefs in order to line up your energy with the energy of your new goals and desires, so that you can live in alignment with all that you want.

What are these limiting beliefs?

A limiting belief is a thought, belief or conviction you have about how the world works, or about how your life is going to work out, based on previous life experiences that you feel are true.  No matter how hard you try to make something different happen, if you are still holding onto the old belief, the new outcome cannot occur.

Why is it frightening to let go of our beliefs, even when they are false?

The great wisdom teacher, Don Miguel Ruiz, in his book The Voice of Knowledge, explains this so clearly: “The structure of our knowledge makes us feel safe.  We have the need to know, even if what we know is not the truth.  And if what we believe about ourselves is no longer true, we don’t feel safe because we don’t know how to be any other way.  When we discover that we are not what we believe we are, the foundation of our entire reality begins to collapse.  The whole story loses its meaning and this is very frightening.”  My view about this is that when you are on a path of transformation, you are on a heroic journey.  The hero faces all fears in order to bring forth the wisdom imbedded within them out into the world.  Your responsibility as the hero in your life is to let go of the beliefs that limit you.

Inner Bonding and Emotional Freedom Technique:  

Releasing false beliefs happens on the mental, emotional and energetic level. You may understand the origin of a false belief (mental) but have not yet felt and released the pain it has caused you. (Emotional)  You may have done both of the above, yet the energy still vibrates in your energy field.  In other words, in the right situation, you still get triggered by the same belief (energetic/vibrational).  The energy of the false belief is still drawing to you circumstances that reflect it.  In the Inner Bonding Intensives we teach energy release techniques as a tool to assist in letting go/healing the wounded child.

Energy psychology techniques clear the vibration of the belief. 

The Emotional Freedom & Healing (EF&H) process is one of many meridian therapies used by coaches, therapists and other healing practitioners worldwide. Other emotional release modalities include Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), Emotional Self-Management (ESM).  

Emotional Freedom & Healing is the modality that I am certified in

I love this technique because it incorporates the breath and the use of powerful metaphoric language.  EF&H combines acupressure—tapping, rubbing or steady pressure on certain acupressure points on the upper body with one or two fingers with a statement of a limiting belief to be released.  At the end of each statement, deep breathing is used to powerfully support the release.  In essence, with this process, you bypass the programmed mind and the intellect and access the body’s intelligence effecting release at a cellular level.

It’s good to master many tools for transformation.

If you’re going to rebuild an engine, you need lots of tools.  Real transformation is no different.   Learning to choose your thoughts and manage the level of your energy and vibration requires a high level of skill and the more tools you have, the more choices you have to pivot away from and release the lower negative energy of your conditioned mind, allowing your Essence to shine through.

Energy psychology techniques are an essential tool.

One of the best ways to experience it is in a group.  The reason for this is called Borrowed Benefits, a term coined by Gary Craig, the creator of EFT. Borrowed benefits means that when you participate with others in an energy release process, the release of each person benefits the entire group.  

Emotional Freedom & Healing Tele-classes

Tele-classes are the perfect setting for receiving the Borrowed Benefits of a large group of people.  From the comfort of your own home, you can connect with a group of like-minded people on a path of transformation to release the old, negative programming you have been carrying around, and to harness the true power of your Essence.  

Nancy Swisher, MA, MFA is a Personal & Spiritual Life Coach and Healer, specializing in guiding you to move beyond any obstacles blocking full expression of your Inner Being.  She is certified in Inner Bonding, Emotional Freedom & Healing, and Prosperity Guidance/Law of Attraction facilitation.  She frequently holds transformational teleclasses and works with clients via telephone from across the U.S and Europe.  Visit her website for her free interactive essay 6 Ways to Create Love, Joy & Peace every day of your Life and upcoming events.






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Is your primary motivation in your life to evolve in your ability to love yourself and others, or is it to have control over getting love and avoiding pain? The former leads to a full and satisfying life, and the latter leads to emptiness. We all have the free will to choose, moment-by-moment, what is most important to us.



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