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An Open Heart

By Grace Escaip
July 08, 2014

This article talks about the importance of an open heart.

What I have been able to observe through my personal and professional experience is that in order to have an open heart we must be willing to feel all of our feelings, especially the pain, because there isn't a way to open our hearts only to the feelings that we like to feel: in our hearts resides the energy of all feeling types: those that we like, and those that we don’t like as well. We close our hearts so as not to feel, but if we close our hearts to the feelings we don’t want to feel, we close it to the energies and feelings that we do like, such as love, peace, relief, joy, compassion, kindness, gratitude, acceptance, appreciation, etc…


The importance of opening our heart is that it is the only way:


  • To be able to listen to all of the information that our feelings have for us so that we can create our own well-being.
  • To allow the energy of love, compassion and joy to enter our being and our lives. 
  • In which we can handle our pain and in which we can learn from it, in order to stop creating the feelings that we do not like and to learn to handle all of the natural feelings of life.
  • To open the door so as to receive all the guidance and help from spirit.
  • To raise our frequency in order to manifest all that we want and to create the life that we yearn for.
  • To create the peace that we desire; it’s by opening our hearts that we can transform our fear and learn to manage our pain.


So what prevents us from opening our hearts? What I have learned and experienced through Inner Bonding is that what prevents us from opening our hearts is FEAR, the fear generated by the false beliefs about what may happen to us if we feel our pain, the beliefs that we will not be able to handle it, that it will be unbearable, that we are going to explode or go insane, or that we will not stop crying, even a deep and subconscious belief that we may die, that the pain can kill us, and because when we were little children it was true that we could not tend and handle our pain by ourselves, it now becomes very difficult to know and trust that as adults, we are able to handle our pain and that we can count on the help of spirit to do it.


What we need in order to open our heart…


We need to take a leap of faith and trust in order to be willing to consciously choose the intent to learn and be willing to feel all of our feelings knowing and trusting that the moment we decide to do so and we move to the intent to learn, our hearts will immediately open and the help from spirit will immediately enter, as well as the energy of love and compassion, to help us with any feeling that emerges when we open our hearts. We need to know and trust that when we open our hearts we will not be alone; on the contrary: we will immediately connect with a higher power and with ourselves and therefore with the all-powerful energy of love, which will provide us with the strength and wisdom to tend, manage, and learn from any feeling that we need to feel. It is indispensable to trust in this, to know and experience that this is the truth and that now, as adults, we can decide to open our hearts and the instant that we do so, we receive all the help and support from the higher power and therefore we are no longer alone, and that way we can, without a doubt, manage and transform our pain and any feeling that emerges.


If what you are doing is not providing you with peace and well-being, and you are not creating the life that you want, it is very likely that because of fear you are keeping your heart closed; however, the price of keeping our hearts closed in order to avoid or to protect ourselves from our pain is too high! I truly encourage you to take a leap of faith and trust and that you open your heart knowing that yes, you will feel all of your  feelings, but that you do not have to worry about anything because the instant you open your heart you also open the door so that all of the energy of love enters and envelops you and helps, supports and protects you. You will not be alone for whatever you feel when you open your heart… I really urge you to intuitively know how valuable and important it is to open your heart, that you intuitively know how worth it it is for you to do it so that you may finally feel like you want to feel and create the life that you want to create.


I also encourage you to practice Inner Bonding because it is the ideal process to help you open your heart.


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