3-Day Virtual Advanced Intensive

Hosted ByDr. Margaret Paul
Start12/04/2020 09:00 AM
Finish12/06/2020 06:00 PM
LocationYou will receive a Zoom link
Virtual on Zoom

You can attend this Intensive if you have attended a 5-Day Intensive, or have completed the 'Love Yourself" 30-Day Course, or The Shift Network 9 month mentoring program, or by referral of an Inner Bonding Facilitator you are working with.

"What's especially amazing about doing a VIRTUAL intensive, is not only do you get access to some of the best IB facilitators who are able to join from all parts of the world, as well as the company of phenomenal other participants from all corners of the globe who might not otherwise have made it, but you also have the opportunity to VIDEO RECORD your sessions with Dr. Margaret Paul. The value of this added benefit cannot be underscored enough. As you watch the replay of your Zoom recording, you can watch your face as you move into your Wounded Part, and as you open to learn with guidance. And as a result you can literally SEE yourself in the process of self-abandoning or opening to learn, moment by moment. There's no greater gift in my mind you can give yourself than this - the priceless gift of Dr. Paul's always spot-on insightful feedback, coupled with the recording of yourself and your habitual ways of moving from indulging your Wounded Selves to then moving into your Loving Adult with Guidance. And the feedback on WHO YOU ARE IN YOUR ESSENCE from Margaret and the other participants is priceless.

"My IB practice is up levelled at least 200% every time I attend an intensive. And while they're virtual, they're a steal without the costs of flights or room and board. Plus you get the benefit of bringing into the sessions actual real-life events going on with your family, friends, colleagues or lovers, so it's super powerful real-time practice. 

 "So if you're even considering deepening your journey to mastering self love, run, don't walk to join Margaret's next intensive, either virtually or in person. You will thank yourself for a lifetime that you did."--Anastasia, Relationship Coach

Cost: $895.00 for Intensive tuition, reduced from $995.

For information or to register call
310-459-1700 or

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Today, notice if you have balance - between giving and receiving, between work and play, between doing and being. If you are not in balance, you are not being loving to yourself. Today, focus on creating balance in your life.



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