Why Join?


The free side of this website offers so much information that people often ask, "How would I benefit from joining?" Some people believe that $49.97 is too expensive. Here, we address these concerns.

  • Dr. Margaret and Dr. Erika spend hours every day helping members in many different ways. You actually get more for your money that you would expect! One visit to a therapist often costs more than an entire year of membership support. The support is extensive.
As many members have stated: 
"Thank you very much for all the wisdom and love you give every day!...one of the best values I get for my money!  Like the Mastercard commercial says, this IB website is "priceless!" 
"I love this site. It is soul food to me and I come here everyday at the moment for a snack or a meal. It has the ring of truth, and feels like a great source of love - the one I was really looking for! Thank you." 
"I joined this website on a monthly basis and have not been disappointed. It is comprehensive, offering resources that you won't find from other sites. Even though I am on a limited budget, I feel the monthly fee is small in comparison to what you get for your money...for the vast resources it provides."

"I would second everything about the subscribing to the inner bonding website being well worth it!  It has now become part of my daily routine to log on to the site. It is a real highlight of my day!"
"I'm wondering how I've lived so long without it. I can't tell you how valuable I believe this site is. I truly believe it is in the top ten significant offerings made to the human race, if not the whole planet."
"I wish everyone on the planet could understand the value of this site. It is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I am so very grateful it exists and to the people who run the programs. Thank you very much."
"It is fantastic. I can't really put it into words. In a monetary sense I would say it is an extremely good value."
"I am very grateful to have found it and I think it is an excellent value."
"I feel it's a tremendous resource for myself, so much useful information and the website organized very well. I'm pleased with my membership."
"I love the site. All the articles, the sharing and advice. I have learned a lot in the time I have been a member." 
"The IB process and sharing of wisdom and perspective have impacted my life in such a positive way. I cannot imagine my life without the site."
"I feel very, very blessed to have come upon your site; I don't think it was accidental!"

"I am just delighted that I've joined."
"The value I've gained since becoming a member is immeasurable. My marriage is improving, I'm a better parent, and I've stopped drinking! I practice IB consistently and it's paying off!"
"With IB I find not only myself healing but my own kids are daily becoming happier and healthier. How grateful can a person be for that? I find the daily support of the website extremely important."
"I wasn't sure I was getting my money's worth when I was just reading articles. But once I started submitting questions, and taking part in the discussion boards and chats, I found much more value. It is also very important to me that the facilitators are so active on the site. To me, they keep the site on an even keel, and I learn a lot from them. The fact that I pay for all this, gives me a sense of safety in that the other members have at least some genuine intent(if not a lot!)." 
  • You can ask any questions you want , as often as you want, and receive professional advice from Dr. Margaret and Dr. Erika.
"Thank you so much for your response to my questions. I finally understand why I have been stuck!"

"Your advice provides me much wisdom and true help."
"The more time I spend on this site, the more thankful I feel towards both those who ask and those who answer. It warms me and helps me move into the intent to learn when I am feeling shut down."
"I truly love the articles and the ability to ask the facilitators questions." 
"The advice column helps me understand the thought process involved with Inner Bonding. It's sophisticated site in many ways, and I'm not sure how you keep the advertisers away! I'm very grateful for your understanding of healing and life and your generosity in sharing it with the world."
 "I love the advice and the articles and the sharing from other members and have learned so much." 
"I am grateful for Dr: Margaret for giving wonderful answers to my queries."
  • All the articles are available to you, and the member articles are more in-depth than the public articles. You can respond to the articles and receive responses to your responses!
"I love that I can respond to the articles, and that others respond to me and we go into more depth."
"The articles and downloadable books are excellent and have added to my spiritual life. I don't think a website could really offer more."
"I love the articles, and I value the discussion boards immensely." 
"I mostly use it for the member articles. I love the insight I get!" 
"I think it is an excellent site. The articles have helped so much. Thanks for putting so much effort into the site."
"I love the articles. I get so much from them."
  • You can join professionals in their chats. You can ask whatever you want in the chats and receive professional help and support.
"I loved the chat last night. Thanks for allowing me to do my process to find an answer that I was needing."
"The chats always get me reconnected with myself and my Guidance."
"When I'm on the site, I feel like I'm home. I learned so much from last night's chat, and I love that the chats are archived."
"It's really nice to hear the wisdom of Dr. M and the other facilitators to get to see how they apply Inner Bonding principles to things we are talking about."
"Reading the chat from the archives made me realize yet again what a special place this is and how supportive and caring Inner Bonders are."
  • The Discussion Boards are filled with caring and compassionate support. These active boards help you to know that you are not alone.
"The postings on the message boards are incredible and the support that so many offer each other is amazing."
"I have seen nothing but compassion and acceptance on this website so far. And I haven't read a question or story yet that hasn't helped me in some way. I think that when you don't have much experience receiving compassion and understanding from other people, especially in childhood, you don't know how to do it for yourself. So, perhaps that is how this community is helpful. You can see and feel that compassion being modelled and directed to your specific situation. Then you can try to do it for yourself."
"I love the openness and feeling of safety these boards offer, and friendship. It's amazing what small nuggets I get out of these posts that have really soothed me and made me closer to my goals...it has been invaluable."
"Makes us feel less alone in this effort to learn how to love the Inner Child! The site provides lots of valuable information and encouragement. "
"This site has been very educational for me. I learn something new each time I log on, and have been amazed at some of the healing and transformations I've seen on the boards." 
"This is fantastic community, a place to go for a hug when there is nowhere else."
"[After one month on the member site] I just can't believe the improvement in my heart , the lack of anxiety and depression, and i'm just so thankful for this place to come to get nurturance an support and guidance. "
More comments from members:

“After ten years of therapy and countless workshops, I still did not have the sense of self and wholeness I knew I needed for a truly joyful life. Since I had tried everything, I had no idea how to proceed. Inner Bonding gave me the precious missing pieces of an “inner bond” – an internal system that is at last in place and joyfully intact.”

"I'm so grateful for this site, it's a great resource especially during my workday. There are so many articles and the daily messages and the chats, it's great to have this living, growing resource at my fingertips!"
"The site provides a forum to study and understand what it is to be loving and to be open to learning about others and what makes for a successful life. It is nothing short of a huge miracle, once I decided to commit to the process! "
"There are no words to describe the gratitude and excitement that I feel about the site!"

"Your website has given me new hope of healing."

"I LOVE it! It provides such wisdom and comfort. It really is a fantastic site."
"I was looking for something to take away the emptiness I felt inside.  I have found it. It has helped me so much in my life and I am looking forward going deeper and deeper into it."
"I think your Inner Bonding work is one of the most significant contributions to this planet I have ever seen. People can heal, love and live life as happy whole spiritual beings. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your work." 
"I think it is wonderful!" 
"Thanks so much for providing this site."
"It's nice to talk to other people about the process in a venue where we can be across the nation and still talk to each other.' 
"IB is a fantastic site that I'm eternally grateful for finding. It is giving me tools to get my life on a healthy path. It's not a cure or instant fix, but a way of life that I believe can lead many of us toward health. God bless you! "
"I’ve been a member for a while now and I feel I’ve made great progress. Thank you, thank you a million times."
"An excellent website; well thought out and designed and very member-oriented."
"i just wanted to thank this site, the IB process, all very much for the support, incredible info and clear path. i am certainly not healed, but i have a framework now that i have never had before, and thank my lucky stars that the universe somehow led me to this site and this work."
"Bless you and Dr. Erika for Inner Bonding!  I feel as if I have found a process that will truly help me to heal, after decades of therapy, self-help, 12-Step programs, medication, etc.  The 12-Step programs are wonderful, and the medicines are a means, not an end.  The Inner Bonding, I feel, is a key to healing."
"I'm grateful for the results i am already seeing in and around me. My relationships with people are changing--for the (much) better. I'm truly grateful for the warmth, honesty, insight, intelligence, and intentions of Margaret and crew, and every one of you lovely Inner Bonders."

Join now and find out for yourself!


Explore More Inner Bonding



Physical expression of affection is as comparable to sexuality as the dancer is to the prostitute. It is a matter for the heart.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

10/28/2024 08:00 AM
3-Day Intensive & Add On to Margaret's Intensive
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

All Inner Bonding Events