Patti Gerrish Announcement

writing your heroine/hero story

A six month process using the cathartic and healing aspects of writing
offered by:

 Patti “Feathered wolf”
Deb “hunting hawk cries” b.a
Writing your story can help:
  •      uncover how your pattern of response to life starts your journey into the wounded self.
  •      explore old beliefs and ways to bring through compassion, love and truth. through free form writing and/or      guided questions.
  •      give voice to the wounded self, essence, Loving adult and guidance.
  •      improve access to guidance and all Allies
  •      learn and use a new empowered pattern
Submissions accepted April 14th, 2008—october 14th, 2008

graduated cost: (upgrade at any time)
    $25.00-2 submissions for review/response/reflection
    $50.00-5 submissions for review/response/reflection
    $75.00-10 submissions for review/response/reflection

Contact patti or deb at FWOLF@WOWWAY.COM OR 248-414-7409 FOR COMPLETE DETAILS

a’dagata productions
(empowered women helping women heal)


Explore More Inner Bonding



"Peace begins with me." This week, take this to heart by focusing on creating inner peace through thinking peaceful thoughts and taking peaceful actions toward yourself and others. The moment you have anxiety, notice the thoughts creating it and bring your thoughts back to the truth, which creates inner peace.



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

All Inner Bonding Events