Personal Development

Personal DevelopmentPhoto by Geralt

45 LINK(S)
Tools for Transformation Tools for personal growth and transformation of body, mind and spirit. Includes the free online and PDF book Transforming the Mind and many other resources. is the most complete guide to information about self-improvement, personal growth and self help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Web sites.
Life Dynamix | Health Directory A wellness site where you will discover innovative life enhancement products, systems, a certification program and business opportunities in the health field. You can watch Life Dynamix TV, wellness streams, and read thousands of articles related to health. Also On you will find a wellness community where you can meet others who share the same interests, and have your health questions answered by the experts.
The Free Spirit Centre The Free Spirit Centre is dedicated to personal and soul growth, healing and human issues where like-minded free spirits connect from around the world.
Anxiety Stop Panic and Anxiety Attacks Fast!
Creativity Portal - Explore Your Creativity Creativity Portal invites you to explore and express your creativity! Expert creativity coach advice plus free downloads, articles, projects, and how-to resources for art, crafts, writing, and creativity. Online resources and information for women.
Inspirational Poems, Motivational Poems Poems, stories, quotes and more at Words of Wisdom 4 U!
The Motivational Mecca Visit one of the largest Motivational Community sites on the Web. 13,000 searchable quotes. Encouraging stories. Message boards and so much more!
The Self-actualization Resource Center A treasure chest of self-actualization tools to help you find happiness. Sign up for your free ezine or check out the personal growth articles.
PlanetSARK offers inspiration, practical resources, and creative community that encourages and empowers kindred spirits to reach out and teach each other about creative living, thought, and action. SARK showsus how to make creative dreams REAL and how to live a juicy life.
Inspirational Quotes Famous quotes and sayings to inspire you and start your day on
a positive note
Mind Media Life-Enhancement Network Mind Media's Guide to Self Improvement Self-Help Mental Development: A Complete Web Directory.
Self-Healing Expressions Provides self-paced email courses on holistic and personal growth topics. Site features guided meditation and healing prayers.
The Spirit of Now - Peter Russell Peter Russell's much acclaimed site on Consciousness and Personal Growth. Includes sections on The Global Brain, Mind Maps, Science and Consciousness, God, and Being in the Present, and the text of many of his essays and books.
Yoga Directory A large yoga resource site with links to teachers, centers, organizations, books, music, therapists, health products, retreats, vacations, personals, and traditions.
Building Self Esteem Building self esteem and self confidence with tips, free courses, recommended books and lots more!
World Transformation Here you will find a cornucopia of ideas, resources, connections, information, inspiration and surprises, all aimed at growing, creating or discovering a world that works better for all of us.
Yourlife Self Help Directory Self improvement resources on health, happiness, longevity, love and depression.
Healing From Within Susan Eller is a heart-centered counselor and teacher who is dedicated to helping people, especially women, create positive changes in their lives. Her goal is to help you free yourself from limiting patterns so that you can realize and express your true potential. Discover the many seminars that are offered through this site.
All Things Frugal All Things Frugal - Your Resource for Frugal Living
Rapidly Eliminate Public Speaking Fear Allan and Allan are exciting speakers who specialize in working with business professionals to rapidly reduce and eliminate performance blocks such as presentation anxieties.
Innervoice Feeling lost?'s goal is to provide the tools that will helpyou discover your spiritual pathway in life. Please visit our website and begin your journey home.
Optimal Thinking Discover the simple mental resource to maximize your personal and business life. When you rise above positive thinking and optimize your thinking, you can enjoy the best life has to offer!
The Confidence Center Harriet Meyerson, The Confidence Center - Free e-zine features "Low cost ways to raise morale & confidence - fast." - Free articles on employee effectiveness and personal confidence. Free articles for your newsletters. Free daily morale boosters.
Want to Get Motivated? Get your free Motivation123 Idea-Kit, free motivation newsletter, and hundreds of quick and easy tips to help you reach your goals and improve your attitude.
Body Language Decoding, Self Hypnosis, Life Coaching Learn from the concepts of Aikido, NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis, and benefit from self hypnosis and other Seishindo Practices by visiting our site and subscribing to Charlie Badenhop's complimentary newsletter for individuals and professionals.
Averi, Malibu's Resident Psychic For more than 30 years, thousands of people worldwide-including Fortune 500 Executives, Hollywood celebrities, Congressmen and U.S Presidents-have sought out Averi's psychic guidance and powerful insights to enrich their careers and personal lives.
Sue William Silverman Sue William Silverman is the author of two memoirs, "Because I Remember Terror, Father, I Remember You" (University of Georgia Press) and "Love Sick: One Woman's Journey Through Sexual Addiction" (W. W. Norton).
Improve Your Self Esteem and Self Help for Adults Where adults can find the tools they need to improve their self esteem. If you have found you are in a job that you do not like or your relationships are not what you wish they were. We can help you find the true nature of your problems, low self esteem. We then can help you build the self you have always wanted, confident, powerful, and respected.
Stress Less Country Living - a lifestyle change A collection of quotes, stories, thoughts, inspirational poems and links for you to reflect on to help you have less stress in your life.
Deena Douglas Advanced Energy Healing & Coaching Energy Coaching integrates life coaching with energy healing techniques to free you from self-defeating beliefs and patterns in your energy system, so you more naturally and easily make changes and create the life you desire.
Soul's Self Help Central A very extensive site that has a wealth of information to assist those in their journeys of recovery from sexual abuse, various personality disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder, email support lists, articles, and much more.
Life Transitions, ........ personal coaching with a focus on life transitions, dealing with menopause, life purpose in the 2. half of life and earth-centered healing. Some internet based workshops are offered.
Womens We offer you Live self esteem and Confidence Chat at D's Bistro for women, Forum, self-esteem and Confidence tips, live help, Quotes, self esteem Articles, Abuse and Survival, information and questions answered on The Female Body and much more! And it's all FREE!
Boost your Self-Esteem Boost your self esteem through awareness with articles, free resources, recommended books and more
Building self esteem through awareness Building self esteem, self-help.Free articles, quiz, inspirational quotes, recommended books and more.
LA Drug and Alcohol Resources

At Harmony Place, we feel it’s our duty to educate the general public about addiction and issues that are currently affecting American society.

Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery.

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Daily Inspiration

Depression is often your inner child/inner guidance's way of letting you know that you are abandoning yourself. Rather than numb it out with addictions or medication, open to learning with your inner child about how you are abandoning yourself, and open to learning with your Guidance about what the loving action is. You will discover that as soon as you take the loving action, you will feel relief.


Explore More Inner Bonding



Depression is often your inner child/inner guidance's way of letting you know that you are abandoning yourself. Rather than numb it out with addictions or medication, open to learning with your inner child about how you are abandoning yourself, and open to learning with your Guidance about what the loving action is. You will discover that as soon as you take the loving action, you will feel relief.



Inner Bonding Events

03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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