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Letter From Prison

By E. L. C. Jr.

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This letter was written by a prisoner using the Inner Bonding process with a prison group.
Dear Margaret Paul,

I am writing this missive in an attempt to thank you for your donations of all the reading materials that you have sent to the Sex Offending program here at Big Muddy River Correctional Center. Your gift is very appreciated by all the group members.

We started reading the book, "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God", a few weeks ago. It has helped many members make connection in their own lives and past, from being disconnected from their spirituality. Every group member had something to share concerning what we have read, Chapter 1 and 2.

After the horrible things that we have done to others, it give us courage to try harder to be able to reintegrate ourselves back into society and become a part of the solution, instead of being part of the problem. One of the benefits that can emerge from my suffering is a deepening sense of compassion and it has. Today I understand that maybe I went through all the things I did, so that I could more empathetic to those in need of nurturing, love, compassion, understanding, and patience. Some things that I never received as a child. I have reconnected with God, who I was angry at for so long, because I thought He didn't think I was lovable enough to stop all the abuse I suffered as a child. I grew and became a very self-centered person who was angry at life, myself and everyone else. I have been incarcerated five times in my life, for a variety of crimes. Every time I got out I was more hateful than when I went in. I have been incarcerated for 12 and a half years now and have about 18 months to go. I have more peace and serenity in my heart than I ever had in the past. I'm in prison and I feel more alive now than I ever have and I carry peace in my heart. Doing Inner Child Work has been a substantial part of that recovery. I will always be working that mind set for the rest of my life.

I pray for you and all those who work for you and the cause that you are facilitating. I have even been doing Inner Child Work with my own children on different levels. They are trying to recover from their own childhood losses.

I could never repay for all the insightful things that have helped me along my own journey in this spiritual world. I have been touched very profoundly, by your books, your honesty, genuineness, and love. Again, I wanted to say, "THANK YOU" for your helping hand in those words that you have written. It's impossible to know just how many lives will be changed, because of the people who read your books and how they will treat other's different.


E. L. C. Jr.



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Is your primary motivation in your life to evolve in your ability to love yourself and others, or is it to have control over getting love and avoiding pain? The former leads to a full and satisfying life, and the latter leads to emptiness. We all have the free will to choose, moment-by-moment, what is most important to us.


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Is your primary motivation in your life to evolve in your ability to love yourself and others, or is it to have control over getting love and avoiding pain? The former leads to a full and satisfying life, and the latter leads to emptiness. We all have the free will to choose, moment-by-moment, what is most important to us.



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