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Learning to Love Your Inner Child

By Deb Klugger
September 08, 2010

Do you struggle with getting to know and love your inner child? This article will give you some great suggestions on how to know and love your inner child on a deeper level.

I find that many clients struggle with getting to know their “inner child” and Judy was no exception. Her parents were both tragically killed in a car accident when she was just 5 years old, leaving her an orphan. Judy’s’ aunt and uncle agreed to take her (an only child) into their home. Unfortunately, Judy’s caregivers were less than loving, and were in fact unkind and demeaning to her. When she started school the other children laughed at her clothes and called her “four eyes” because she wore glasses. Judy had memories of being an awkward, withdrawn, unaccepted young girl. She had great judgment for this part of herself so consequently, the thought of loving her inner child seemed impossible. To help Judy, I suggested that she find pictures of herself at the age of 4 or 5 and while holding the pictures, try to get a sense of who this little girl was, hoping that she could in fact connect with her true essence. Judy looked at the photos with much distain and judgment.  She felt no connection with the young girl in the pictures. To help Judy begin to know and become more excepting of that part of her we went through the following exercise:

First, I asked Judy to connect to her guidance with her hand on her heart and ask Guidance to fill her with love and compassion so that she could open to the young girl in these photos. Next, Judy stared into the eyes of the girl in the photos for a very long time.  Then closing her eyes, she imagined picking up this girl and holding her very close to her heart.  After just a few minutes Judy was able to describe how sweet, helpful, shy, and loving this little girl, was and how all this little girl had ever really wanted was to be loved and accepted by the people in her life.  At that point Judy asked guidance to fill her with love so that she could bring that love through her and to her “little girl”. It became an amazing breakthrough for Judy. She was now able to really relate to this part of herself, her essence.

Over the next few weeks Judy worked diligently to get to know her inner child on a deeper level. Through the Inner Bonding process and lots of dialogue, she learned what “little Judy’s’” favorite color was, that she truly loved music and dance. That she adored walking in nature or skipping stones along the river bed on sunny afternoon. Judy began to discover many things that brought that part of her true joy. She realized what a great honor and a privilege it was to know and love her “little girl”. In knowing this; she began taking the loving action by giving her “little girl” the gifts of doing the things she loved to do. There were outings in the park, singing to a tune she loved, and sometimes dancing to a song she found moving. Taking the loving action for her inner child felt wonderful and in turn, was instrumental in further developing Judy’s loving adult.   She now feels deeply connected to her essence and feels tremendous love, understanding and compassion for that part of her.  With the Inner Bonding process, Judy is now able to bring from Guidance the love and acceptance to and through her that she always wanted to have and to share.

Deb Klugger is a Holistic Life and Relationship Coach and works internationally through the phone and Skype. Visit her website @


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