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Is Self-Judgment Keeping You Stuck?

By Dr. Margaret Paul
September 06, 2021

Why do you judge yourself? Self-judgment is a major form of self-abandonment that may be keeping you stuck, anxious and depressed.

depressed, stuck in lifeMarianne was stuck. Even though she was trying so hard to change some things in her behavior - especially her anger and her clutter, she found herself doing these things over and over. Then she would get upset with herself, telling herself she was stupid and incompetent.

How often do you tell yourself that you are wrong, bad, inadequate, unworthy, a jerk, stupid and so on? In the many years I've been counseling, I've found that most people are frequently self-judgmental. Do you believe that if you judge yourself, you can get yourself to do things differently - to do them 'right' or ‘perfect’? And if you do them right or whatever you believe perfect is, do you believe that others will then like you? Do you believe that doing things 'right' or ‘perfect’ is a way to control how others feel about you and treat you?

Most of us were taught, from the time we were very little, that we CAUSED other people to feel and behave the way they did.

We were taught by our parents, teachers, and other caregivers that we caused others to feel angry, scared, hurt, and rejected - or loving and accepting. In the case of Marianne, she was taught that if she did poorly in school, she caused her parents to be angry – that their anger was her fault. In other words, she believed she was IN CONTROL of her parents' feelings and reactions because she was taught that her behavior caused their feelings and reactions. Her 'bad' behavior caused them to be angry and reject her.

Now, as an adult, Marianne still believes that she causes others to accept or reject her, or to feel happy or unhappy with her. She believes that if she can just do things 'right' enough or ‘perfect’ enough, she can be in control of others being happy with her and accepting her. We explored this in one of our Zoom sessions.

"Marianne," I asked, "Do you think others are in control of how you feel about them?"

Marianne thought a moment. "No, I don't think so. Some days, when I'm in a good mood, I seem to like everyone, and other days, when I'm really tired or upset about something, people can really bug me."

"So how you feel about and treat others has more to do with you than with them, is that right?"

"Yeah, I think that's right! I never thought about that before!"

"What if someone was trying really hard to get you to like them - like giving you a lot of compliments - would that make you like them?"

"Actually, I don't like it when people butter up to me. I just feel manipulated by them."

"So, the things they do to try to control how you feel about them don't necessarily work, is that right?"


"So, what makes you think that doing things right or perfect will have control over others liking you?

“Don't you think everyone is like you - that they decide for themselves to be accepting or rejecting and that it's often based on how they're feeling rather than on anything about you?"

"Oh my God! So why am I trying so hard to do everything right and be so perfect? It's a waste of time and energy, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. It's not that we can't influence people, but we don’t have control over them. Each of us decides, in any given moment, to be loving or unloving, accepting or rejecting, open or closed. No one decides for us who we are going to be, and we don't decide that for others. When you accept that, you will stop trying so hard and just be yourself. And if you're not trying to do everything 'right' or be so ‘perfect’, you might be more accepting of yourself as well."

"So, what does all this have to do with my anger and clutter?"

"How it relates to that is that you are trying to change yourself in order to do things right, and one way you think you can change yourself is to judge yourself. You are trying to control yourself just as you try to control others. And what happens when you judge yourself? How do you feel?"

"Awful. I feel just awful, with a big black hole inside."

"And is judging yourself working to get you to stop being angry and to clean up the clutter?"

"No, it's not working at all."

"Right. When you judge yourself, you create an inner resistance. The way through this resistance is to move out of judgment and into compassion for yourself. Compassion opens the door to awareness and choice. It gives you a safe inner arena to see what you are doing - such as getting angry or creating clutter - and to decide what you really want to do differently. Compassion for yourself is essential to moving out of a stuck place. What you judge won't budge!

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her 30-Day at-home Course: "Love Yourself: An Inner Bonding Experience to Heal Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Addictions and Relationships."

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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