Our Intention: The Greatest Gift We Have
By Dr. Margaret PaulJune 24, 2024
Can intent alone change your life? Read this article to find out!
"You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless."
--Caroline Myss
Author of Entering The Castle
The gift of being able to choose our intention is the greatest gift we have been given. It is the gift of free will. Choosing, moment by moment, the intent to learn and love, or the intent to protect against pain is the most powerful choice we have in life - the one that makes the most difference.
However, intention can be subtle...
You might think you are choosing the intent to love yourself and others, but if you don’t open to learning about what this means and then follow the learning with loving action, then you have not truly chosen this intent. I totally agree with Caroline Myss that "Intention without action is useless."
A true intent to learn and love propels us into loving action...
When you are open to learning, you move through the 6 Steps of Inner Bonding and take loving action in Step 5. If you do not take the loving action, then you need to be honest with yourself - you were not intent on truly loving yourself and others. You were not fully open to learning about truth and loving action and becoming a more loving person.
So, can we change anything with intention alone? No, but when the intent is a deep and abiding desire to learn to be more loving to yourself and others, that intent will fuel the loving action that you need to take. Choosing the intent comes first and is vital to eventually taking the loving action. Without choosing this intent, the loving action will never follow.
Will a watered-down intent create change? No, of course not. A watered-down intent is actually an intent to protect against pain, which will always lead to avoidance and to various forms of controlling behavior.
Let’s take an example…
If you had a true and deep desire to be healthy and fit, what would you do? What loving actions would you take? You would read many books on health and nutrition. You would stop eating sugar and junk food and start eating pure real food, likely organic. You would stay tuned into your body to learn about how different foods affect you. You would begin a consistent exercise program. You would practice Inner Bonding to deal with stress and bring about inner peace. These and other loving actions would naturally follow from your deep desire to be healthy.
However, if you SAY you want to be healthy but do not take the loving actions, then you need to get compassionately honest with yourself and admit that protecting against pain with your various addictions and habits is more important to you than being healthy and fit. The lack of loving action indicates that being healthy and fit is NOT yet your highest priority.
I have a different statement than Caroline Myss. Mine is: You CAN change everything in your life by truly changing your intention. When you have a deep and true intention to love yourself, loving action always follows.
Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her 30-Day at-home Course: "Love Yourself: An Inner Bonding Experience to Heal Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Addictions and Relationships."

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Daily Inspiration
How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.
By Dr. Margaret Paul