Hosted Chat - Fragile: Do Not Drop

Hosted ByIB Facilitator Dr. Sharon Pearson
Start04/30/2009 06:00 PM
Finish04/30/2009 06:30 PM
LocationOn-Line Chat
DescriptionJoin IB Facilitator Dr. Sharon Pearson for a chat on the topic of "Fragile:  Do Not Drop." To enter the chat, click on ""chat" from the Member Menu. All times are Pacific Coast times.

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Depression is often your inner child/inner guidance's way of letting you know that you are abandoning yourself. Rather than numb it out with addictions or medication, open to learning with your inner child about how you are abandoning yourself, and open to learning with your Guidance about what the loving action is. You will discover that as soon as you take the loving action, you will feel relief.



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