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Un corazón abierto Grace Escaip
Un poderoso método para curar la depresión Por la Dra. Margaret Paul traducido por Grace Escaip
Un tipo diferente de propósitos para año nuevo Por la Dra. Margaret Paul traducido por Grace Escaip
Una travesía desafiante: del enfoque en la mente al enfoque en el cuerpo Por: Dr. Margaret Paul. Traducido por: Camila Andrea Lozano Castro
Usando o sexo como vício Dr. Margaret Paul
Pages: 1

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How much of your behavior with others is to try to control getting love, approval or sympathy, or to control avoiding anger and disapproval? How often do you whine, complain, pout, explain, defend, debate, attack, judge, threaten, blame, withdraw, shame, and so on? You will always want to get approval or avoid disapproval when you are not being loving to yourself. Today, notice this without judgement, with curiosity and compassion for this controlling, wounded part of you.



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