Relationship Advice, Love Advice

RelationshipsHelp with your relationship problems and avoiding divorce using the Inner Bonding process. Learn to create love, intimacy, successful marriages, healthy relationships.

Photo by Christiana Rivers

Article Author
Do You Tolerate Others' Uncaring and Disrespectful Behavior? Dr. Margaret Paul
Couples Who 'Chore' Together, Generally Stay Together Dr. Margaret Paul
The Crazy-making of Projection Dr. Margaret Paul
Guilty And Trapped When Someone Is Needy Dr. Margaret Paul
Beyond Addictions to Health: It's Not About Will Power Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself Around Over-Talkers Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself By Letting Go Of Having to Be Right Dr. Margaret Paul
"I keep Attracting Narcissists" Dr. Margaret Paul
Marriage: Self-Care and Remembering the Good Stuff Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself and Others Means Keeping Your Heart Open Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself Rather Than Giving Yourself Up Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself in the Face of False Accusations Dr. Margaret Paul
Can Love REALLY Last A Lifetime? Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself Through Another's Passive-Aggressive Behavior Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself in the Face of Another's Rage Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself with Narcissists Dr. Margaret Paul
Is It Too Much To Ask Others To Be Reliable? Dr. Margaret Paul
Relationships: Loving Yourself by Taking The Sacred Pause Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself When Your Partner Shuts You Out Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself When Your Partner Is Needy Dr. Margaret Paul
Loving Yourself When Feeling Engulfed and Controlled Dr. Margaret Paul
Can You Emotionally Connect With Your Family Of Origin? Dr. Margaret Paul
Relationships: When Is It Okay To Call It Quits? Dr. Margaret Paul
If You Learn To Love Yourself, Will You End Up Alone? Dr. Margaret Paul
Sustaining Love: The Importance Of Emotional Intimacy Dr. Margaret Paul
Pages: << < 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>


Daily Inspiration

Many people seem to feel entitled to get what they want at the expense of others. People with an entitlement issue often attract those with a caretaking issue. The person with the entitlement issue believes he or she deserves to take from others, while the caretaker believes he or she deserves to be taken from. Neither are taking loving care of themselves.


Explore More Inner Bonding



Many people seem to feel entitled to get what they want at the expense of others. People with an entitlement issue often attract those with a caretaking issue. The person with the entitlement issue believes he or she deserves to take from others, while the caretaker believes he or she deserves to be taken from. Neither are taking loving care of themselves.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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