Love Yourself 30-Day Course

Wonderful feedback for this course!


Thank you for a truly phenomenal course. This has been by far the best thing I have done for myself in all my many years of soul work. Clarity comes from years of work that evolves into something that becomes easy and practical for others to absorb. Your clarity on this topic is obvious to me as the course is broken down so beautifully to help us evolve into the space of self love. You have a way of breaking things down to make it extremely digestible. The 30 day course guides us into the practice of compassion, intention to learn and learning to access and trust our higher guides with seemingly small progressions that open us into a space that invites excitement to practice Inner bonding with love and gratitude.

Thanks again for sharing your hard work that has obviously manifested into a very practical and inexpensive means for your clients to getting to the heart of the matter.  You can seek therapy for years at $100 a session or do a course with you that personally took me much further for a fraction of the cost.

I believe this course is a true gateway to peace that gets to the source. I liken your course and Inner Bonding as a whole to the analogy of running up the mountain: instead of trudging our way around the mountain on the goat path, it feels like a direct route to our highest level of self.

I truly endorse this course. I'm glad I found you!


"Since taking the course I have often used each of these steps. Self-love has been a difficult one for me in my life for many different reasons but I feel that in this process I found a technique that creates the foundation for true self-love. Each step is so important but the most precious one of all is my dialogue with my higher power, which only could come by allowing the previous steps in all their humanity to unfold. Thank you Margaret, this work is such a gift. I feel it move through me, connect me to my humanity, soothe me, and help me feel empowered in an almost magical way." 

Ken Page, Author of Deeper Dating

"Thank you very much, it was a very insightful course, during which I experienced a lot of growth! I can find peace and trust myself, find and take the right decisions much more easily now in tumultuous situations. I got insight into relationship patterns, ways to move out of them and finding again a loving and deep connection."



"I can't thank you enough for this course. I have struggled with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember and this is the first therapy I have come across that actually gives me a road map to healing and health. In my lowest moments, I always wished there was a strategy or program I could turn to. There is only so much advice and support loved ones can give; at a certain point you just have to decide you want to get better. I never had the tools before this course, but now I do. I now feel like there is a light instead of just fumbling around piecemeal in the darkness. Thank you so much, Dr. Margaret, for sharing this treatment with the world and for being a loving and active participant in it's evolution and teachings. I really don't have the proper words to fully convey my gratitude. I can only say that you are an inspiration and someone who I will always think of as having had a profound and positive impact on my life. Thank you so much."

Tony Christopher

"This course was revolutionary for me. After years of self help books, self help courses, therapy, searching, meditating, pilgrimage, you name it…..FINALLY I found Inner Bonding as a method to come home to me in a powerful and authentic loving way. It is so exciting and such a relief to have this map as a way to heal the toxic wound of self abandonment. Thank you Margaret and Erika for this precious work." 5.16


I enjoyed the daily posts and will miss your clear and loving guidance. The course is presented in a lucid and comprehensive way, the concept is simple and at the same time highly effective. I am now equipped with a powerful tool, which will greatly help me integrate love, compassion, trust, intuitive guidance and proactivity into my daily life, something I have always longed for. But above all, these past 30 days have been an impressive lesson in the transformative power of loving actions. A heartfelt thank you!!!! 5.16


"It’s hard to believe that bringing peace into my life could really be as simple as learning that there are only two kinds of pain.

"One type for which we need to learn to heal our own false beliefs that are causing that pain; and the second type which is caused by very real heartache, grief for a real loss which we cannot change but have a process to learn to manage those painful feelings.  Amazingly, learning and practicing the Inner Bonding process relieves both types.  

"Learning more about trusting the answers received through my inner Guidance has been a wonderful experience.  After I took the Inner Bonding 30-day Loving Yourself course, I feel like I have finally found what I have been searching for, for decades.  

"I feel an awareness, a lightening of spirit, a renewal of self and am excited about continuing on this new found path.  I believe this is equivalent to spending decades in traditional therapy.  It's so simple!  And the results are so moving!

"Thank you Margaret for doing what you do so well!" 7.15 



Marge Skinner

"I want to express my gratitude for offering the truly life-changing 30-day Love Yourself course. I have been through years of talk therapy, spiritual practice, medications and more. Finally, your program has provided a PROCESS for learning to love and heal myself, as well having ongoing dialogue with God. The work is providing me with freedom from so many limiting beliefs while discovering my own voice and capacity for self-reliance. You teach with warmth and acceptance that is safe and healing. I am more excited about my life and future than I have ever been! I look forward to continuing as a monthly subscriber and to taking your passion and purpose course, too." 7.15

Amy H.

"I loved the course because it was daily, easy to follow, practical and I trust the process. I loved that you were so available! Which is so rare and hope you continue doing that, I find some of the Spiritual teachers are more about the money first, and the participants second and they over deliver and under promise.

"I'm certified to facilitate Shadow work with Debbie Ford which is somewhat similar to your work, Your delivery and information along with process's, calls, and your personal feedback was outstanding!!!!

"I would Love to incorporate some of the work sharing some of the tools I learned with others, I wish I would of heard of you sooner your work resonates with me and fits like a glove, I also got two of your books.

"Everyone should do your work because it covers everything & you made it affordable for everyone to join. OUTSTANDING!!!!"

Deb M.

"If you have started to work with the beautiful and very effective Inner Bonding process and enjoy the benefits to heal your Inner Child, here is a fabulous course from Dr Margaret Paul. It doesn't take more than 20 to 30 minutes over 30 days which will change your mindset for good."

Steph Burton

"I found it wonderful. It is really targeting major things in the different parts of our being, as well as the relation between those parts. And you also do well emphasize the difference between intellectual understanding and feeling in the body, in the soul… when I started IB back in 2012 I only had an intellectual understanding and it somehow failed when past wounds came back. This time I feel that with the course I have a more real feeling of IB in the various levels of the multidimensional being I am.

"Many thanks for this course, it just confirmed what I thought: that IB is, at least for me, the best tool available for self transformation and living a better life!" 11.15

Philippe Bouillé

"What I most learned from this course was to be a loving adult. I have been reading your books for the last three years and I knew how to identify my inner child, and have been practicing dialogue occasionally. But I really didn't know how to grow my loving adult and connecting to the Spirit. There were so many questions during this process, but you answered every single question. With your guidance and support, now I am able to do the inner dialogue most of the time of the day (I can't say every single moment!), but I can sense that when my wounded self is in charge, so I can let the wounded feelings go and learn where it was coming from. My daily life has been so peaceful.

"I am single and being alone now but I am sure that if I started dating again, I will face all the difficulties in life. But I am pretty confident that I can handle them much better than before. I found myself becoming a risk-taker a little bit. I no longer blame myself or giving myself harsh words with self-judgment. Life became a little easier for me. This is great feeling. I am so happy to be able to take this course."  7.15


"I LOVED this course! This course has given me answers to many things but most importantly it has given me hope. Hope for my future and hope that I can learn how to be loving and more compassionate to myself and others. It has really helped me to become aware of how my Ego operates and keeps me stuck in controlling behaviors that are not healthy and that I need to take responsibility for these. My inner shame is dissolving as I can now catch judgments as they happen and reprocess them.

"I just so admire the depth of knowledge you have shared and your balanced views on living a spiritually connected life. I am so grateful I was guided to your article and remembered to go back and read it!

I am very excited to continue learning IB and I intend on doing as many more courses as possible. I would highly recommend everyone learn Inner Bonding. Imagine what the world would be like if every parent could learn Inner Bonding and teach it to their children as they grow up? It would be Heaven on Earth indeed!" 7.15

Sharon C. UAE

"I am so glad I did the course. I've been an active bronze member for a few years and have a certain experience and understanding of the steps but I found your personal daily input during the course brought the whole process totally alive and present for me. As a result I had several significant shifts in areas that had been very resistant. I got exactly what I hoped for, a deeper experience of each step and I now feel far more centered in my heart and relaxed because I feel far more empowered to make loving choices and take loving action.

"I avoid Facebook so was really very grateful for the private option (it's rare on courses) and I found it a very helpful part of the process. I noticed how often someone asked a question that was on my mind. And the weekly webchat was also good.

"For me the course was pretty perfect. Thank you for doing this work." 7.15

Jude H.

"I don’t know how I found Dr. Paul or her amazing work. It must have been Guidance. I have been in most every type of therapy and therapist all over the world for the past 30 years attempting to find out what was the matter with me. To get to the bottom of it. To analyze my way to healthy, peaceful existence. I have worked with a total of 2 dozen different therapist to no avail. Since I found Dr. Paul and her amazing facilitators I understand for the first time in 49 years that I’m operating from Wounded Self 100%!

"After taking the at home 30 day course and becoming a gold member I have had the great honor to start working with a facilitator who is walking by my side on the path to healing and finding my core, loving, peaceful adult.

"Although the journey is daunting I’m no longer alone! Dr. Paul and her ‘angels' I call them are a gift to humanity and the world! Her work saved my life. Before I found her I was making a plan to permanently end my depilating pain. She is a miracle." 7.15

Linda Frommeyer

"I want to let you know what an amazing course I found this to be. The Inner Bonding process is something I will do for the rest of my life now. I have learned so much from you. To learn to be present in every moment and feeling anything other than peace is really helping me to live in the now. And, to go through the 6-step Inner Bonding process feels like I am living, truly alive in the way God meant for us to live. I am much more clear about myself, others and life itself. This process feels like living the truth. I loved our weekly coaching calls, too. Your compassionate, loving, wise and intelligent guidance with each courageous caller touched my heart and I felt so grateful at the end of the calls.  

"What an absolute joy it was to be in this course learning from you. I cannot say enough good about it. You are a blessing to the whole world.  Thank you for being you." 4.15.

Sharon Z.

"The 30 days Love Yourself course with Dr. Margaret Paul was just what I was needing: a deep practical learning on the technique (IB), which I could fit smoothly into my busy schedule and still undergo profound personal transformation. It changed the way I see myself and the light under which I see my past, acquiring a whole new meaning! I will treasure the lessons and the support Dr. Margaret personally gave each of us on such important matters of life." ~Sigrid, 4.15



"Inner Bonding has taken me ‘home’ to the place where I should have been all along.  It is my place and job to take responsibility for myself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  It is up to me (no one else will do it for me and each other person should be tending to their own wellbeing) to take the loving caring action for myself afterall it is where I need to reside and apply myself and the foremost place in the universe where I am able to have the most impact. 

In realising this we need to give up the notion that another person will come along and take responsibility for us and offer us unconditional love - as fanciful  as that idea might seem 
– it just isn’t going to happen, i.e. Prince Charming and the likes only exist in fairytales.  Others have plenty of self responsibility to see to and will not turn up and do it for us.  We need to wake up and realise that we need to do it for ourselves.

From stopping the never ending  tasks on our to do list to notice how we feel and take a toilet break sooner rather than later when needed, to really noticing when we feel mistreated in anyway and making changes to our thoughts and/or behaviour (such as a change in location physically, mentally, emotionally etc)  so that we feel well treated … is Inner Bonding.

 I am an emotional feeling human being as well as being a loving care taker of this being with the wisdom and assistance of Spiritual Guidance/My Higher Self.  And when we are taking care of ourselves we have plenty of love to enJOY sharing whilst being an example to fellow human beings on earth.


Learning how to love has long been my heart's desire.  Yet, even as the capacity to love grew, I would still find myself trapped in self defeating habits.   When I felt distressed, I would abandon myself emotionally or try to control.  Inner Bonding, with its Loving Yourself Course, was a revelation.  It's awesome how elegant, truthful and compassionate the process is.  With Inner Bonding's framework, I can sort real love out from wounded beliefs, in the midst of distress, and choose to love instead of control.  The process is amazingly gentle and effective.  I have changed so much in just a few short months.  Now, at long last, I get to befriend the awesome woman inside me.  Thank you, Inner Bonding! 4.15


Flo R.

"I am a long-time Inner Bonder and I loved this course.  I've read the books and I participate in the online community, but this course crystalized the concepts and 6 steps of inner bonding for me in a way that I have not experienced or grasped before. The daily messages are rich with material, examples, direction, and encouragement. Each lesson builds on the previous in an orderly and comfortable fashion. You get lots of guided exercises for practising the steps. Margaret answers each and every question from participants.  And most of all, you get to share the experience with others. While taking this course, I shifted to a kinder, more gentle place with myself. If you are frustrated or have a sense that you could be getting more out of your inner bonding practice, I highly recommend this course!" 2/15


"I absolutely loved this course and felt so light, joyous, and happy during the course. I think the one-month course with you was more helpful than the 10 years of therapy I've had. It's really, honestly, been life changing. Thanks for such an amazing and empowering program." 1/15

S. Bross

"I got SO MUCH out of your Inner Bonding course!  Your teachings are so amazing, insightful, and filled with compassion; they continue to improve my life daily, and I am so very grateful. The forum and the coaching calls provided so much insight. I could not recommend this course more highly."  2.15


"The 30-Day Loving Yourself course was life-changing for me.  In following the daily emails and visualizations, I was able to process core feelings of heartbreak and helplessness over some incidents with people who are dear me.  I had somatic releases of emotions that were stuck in my body for a very long time.  After my releases, these relationships felt lighter and freer. 

"Another important benefit I experienced was to understand what it meant to have responsibility for my feelings.  Before I knew what this meant I was caught between either giving myself up to fill the other person’s need or, if I’d had enough from over-giving, blaming other person for my drained feeling. 

"I also continue to be astonished at the clarity and wisdom in the guidance I receive when I move into an intent to learn.  Being mindful enough to practice Inner Bonding when I am feeling less than peaceful still remains a challenge as I ‘stew’ in my feelings for a while before I remember to do Inner Bonding, but I am getting better at it.  I am blown away by the elegance of this practice.  I have excitedly shared my experience with several friends.  I can’t recommend this course highly enough." 1.15


"This course is the best thing that ever happened to me. I feel more fulfilled, happier and peaceful now. Thank you very much Margaret for being part of this valuable journey." 1.15


"This course is definitely changing my life! At 57, with a lifetime of involvement in the human potential movement, all types of therapy, self-help, 12-Step and Eastern philosophies under my belt, IB was the missing key I needed to access all this knowledge.

"I'd always felt like there was a 'missing piece' to my puzzle, and now I know what it was: the disconnection between my body, soul, and spirit because I never would have thought of being a loving adult to myself. This course pulls all the pieces together in such a practical way, grounding me in ways that spiritual traditions could never do. Now that I'm relating to myself differently, it's starting to flow outward toward others without even trying.

"You know what I do to keep my frequency high on workdays? I belt out my favorite songs while biking to work in the morning! Not long ago, I never would have dared to sing where anyone might be within earshot. You wrote: 'My guidance is my creative source, and it is a great joy to open to her and allow her to flow through me.' YESSSSS! In fact, she's the only "goddess" I need.

"I was also very impressed with the way you answered each and every question in the Coaching calls. Your responses always felt authentic and nonjudgmental, and they made so much sense. I'm not sure how useful the forums will be without your input, but I'll definitely go back to read everything when I have more time. Meanwhile, I have all the recordings on my iPod, handy for whenever I need your reminders.

"Thanks for carefully answering all my questions, and for all you do!" 1.15

Ann F.

"I have been doing Inner Bonding for three years now and got a lot out of this course.

"It takes a small amount of time daily and is a wonderful, clear reminder of how to use all the steps in Inner Bonding. Most importantly, it helped in my struggle with WANTING to feel my feelings, which my wounded self very much tries to avoid!

"I've printed out all thirty days of input and keep in a binder for easy reference to Anger Process, Getting in Touch with Guidance, etc. As I struggle to enter the new mental habits of Inner Bonding, this visual reminder is another invaluable tool." Susan J. 4.15

Susan J.

"Thank you so much for this exceptional course. It seems trite to say, but it has changed my life. It’s like I finally have a way to really get through to myself. The steps are so practical, it’s the “how to” manual that for me brings about the healing I’ve wanted for years, in more fully loving myself.

"I just love this course. I have always loved IB but could not “get it” when I became involved years ago. This course taught me how to do it in a way that worked well for me." 1.15


"Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher. This 30 day course has given the breakthrough I have been looking for, giving me a process to integrate all my spiritual work with my physical reality. I loved every minute of it, it is starting to be part of my daily life...Your availability and the kindness in which you reply to the questions on the forum and during the live calls are amazing and to be celebrated...I can't thank you enough to have created something so accessible and so beautiful...Totally recommended!" 1.15




"I loved the course and I am so grateful that I did it. I now understand the 6 steps so much better and I really appreciate how you expanded on them and shared some of own personal stories with us that related to some of the steps. I found that to be very helpful. I really appreciate your love, caring, gentleness, kindness, and support that I could see and feel every day in your articles, reading your answers to everyone's questions and the weekly calls.

"Thank you so much for your precious time to put this course together for all of us and for being so available to us. I will miss you. I am going to do what you suggested about doing the course over beginning at Day 1. I loved everything about this course. I am so grateful and thankful to have you in my life."  1.15

Rosalind English

"This program gives you a tool to use for the rest of your life. Traditional psychotherapy could take years before it gives you the direct help you receive here from the first day. The audios make the work come alive and make doing the process so much easier. A great investment of time and money." 1.15


R. Hutchinson, M.A.

"One of the most powerful and freeing discoveries for me was realizing that I have no control over getting acceptance, caring, compassion or understanding from another.

"For years whenever my wounded self was feeling hurt, I would call a friend and expect them to listen and get compassion from them. Now I have tools to help myself instead of relying on others".  1.14

Ruth B.

"From all other courses and trainings, this one is a diamond and I advise it to everyone.

I feel blessed to have come across this course, taking it was certainly one of the best things I could ever do for myself. I am so thankful to myself I did it. I feel like I got to know the most important secret and how to apply it.

Loving oneself is the best and absolutely essential foundation every person should have inside.

And it’s amazing how powerful it is. Just imagine that there is just one thing that is the key to feeling peace, joy, feeling secure and confident, reaching your highest potential, building happy relationships, healing relationships, solving health issues, getting free from old fears and old pain, forgiving, and many many more. Everything in your life can be healed. Just by loving yourself. It is so simple and so powerful.

If all people learned this, we would live in a completely different world."


"I really loved the course! It was incredible! The pace was perfect…I loved the fact that there were videos, conference calls, emails, a forum  - everything! The depth of sharing was great as well, adding differing perspectives at each step along the was AMAZING! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!"


"I loved your Self-Love Inner Bonding course! The daily emails are just enough information. I enjoyed the combination of written information, audios and videos. The “Daily Loving Actions” are focused and action-oriented. I loved the coaching calls with you. I appreciated that they’re only 45 minutes, that people can write in their questions and not be present on the call, and that the calls are recorded. You were soooo loving on the calls. Sometimes I found myself feeling annoyed when people weren’t succinct. Or when they weren’t even asking a question. But you simply accepted it and gave love to everyone.

"I love how your self-love course includes every area of health – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial and relational. I also love that the inner bonding process is so spiritual.

"As a former psychotherapist, coach and spiritual seeker, I’ve done a lot of work on myself over the past thirty plus years. Your inner bonding process and self-love course gave me additional tools to take my relationship with myself and my relationships with others to a new level of health, joy and love. I’ve already recommended your work to family, friends and coaching clients and will continue to do so. I look forward to future learning with you. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts!" 6.14



Lyndra Hearn Antonson

Something inside me ‘clicked.’ I suddenly realized how to let the past go and love myself and others - unconditionally. Without anything changing in my external life situation, something huge internally shifted such that I spent the whole of Day 30 singing along to ‘Dancing Queen’.  6.14


"Thank you very much for this course, and for putting all the information together. It was a really amazing experience for me - it deepened and strengthened my process. I really really enjoyed all of it - that is why I booked the next course immediately. It was amazing what was brought out by this course. I can't find the right words for the gratitude I feel – so I just say THANK YOU." 2.14



"…sending you my heart-felt appreciation for the course. Inner bonding is my 'to do' material - straightforward, clear steps, clear destination, carries Spirit in every word, so full of Love. I find sitting at my keyboard letting Spirit communicate is a productive and heart-melting experience for me. The phone coaching was very valuable, hearing your voice and what you chose to share was extremely valuable. This material is my teacher now. It feels complete and very clear steps to the goal I long for.  Not just the goal, the process itself fits for me. Thank you thank you thank you for honouring your Guidance and your devotion to sharing this loving teaching."



Anne M.

"Thank you Margaret for publishing on the web, writing the books and offering this online course. Thank you for learning to trust your guidance and making yourself and your knowledge available to help us find our way. This course really helped me find myself yet again and hopefully never loose the sight of my own essence. I am definitely starting to find my emotional freedom with inner bonding." Love Yourself.2.14

Elizabeth M.

"Awesome course Margaret! Well worth the $200 for sure. I can't think of anything you could add....seriously. I liked getting an email every day and all the content. I loved the videos and audios.  

"What I got out of the course......PEACE. Before this course I had anxiety 90% of the time and peace 10% of the time. Now I have peace 90% of the time and anxiety 10% of the time...if at all. It just amazes me how simple it is now for me to handle anxiety.....I can't believe I suffered as long as I did."

Kara M.

"This course helped me understand the 4 central ways that I was abandoning myself and gave me deeper insight into practicing the 6 steps of inner bonding.  I learned tools to stay present with what are called wounded and core feelings;  the importance of the intention to learn in developing what is called the Loving Adult; how to dialogue with my feelings; and how to invite in my own spiritual guidance to assist me in taking loving actions.  This course is the core of the inner bonding process."

Cheryl Gibson

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How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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