Love Yourself 30-Day Course

Wonderful feedback for this course!


"The Love Yourself course was a major step for me in establishing a practice in inner bonding. It took my learning about Inner Bonding from the intellectual to the experiential! The steps progressed at the perfect pace for me to integrate the learnings, and by the end of the course I was able to do a complete process with myself. The lessons went into greater depth than material I had managed to find in articles. With the daily forum for sharing and asking questions, and the weekly conference calls, the course was as interactive as I wanted. I could participate or not. It was great value for money considering the amount of support and guidance that is available. I would urge anyone who has an interest in Inner Bonding to enroll right away. There's so much to learn!

"I am hugely grateful for the significant learning and support you have offered, Dr. Margaret. I really want to acknowledge the work that you have done in discovering and sharing this process. I imagine it must have taken much courage, persistence, insight and faith to uncover, and I feel blessed to have access to your knowledge and support. I cannot overstate how significant IB has been in my growth and learning. It is not just changing my life, it is changing how I live!"


"I thank you from the core of my soul. There are many self-help and self -love experts/courses and you and your work are what resonates most deeply for me." 11.13


"I really enjoyed the shift in my perspective about bring the Spiritual into a counseling program.  Although I was deeply harmed by former religious dogma, and quite gun-shy about accessing anything beyond my own intuition and insight, I found much to my surprise that Inner Bonding opened a doorway I thought I had slammed shut.  It is exciting to feel that perhaps there really is some force "out there" that loves me and does not leave me alone.  A lifetime of self-judgments are not going to be overcome in 30 days, but I was able to learn enough about being with my inner child and providing self-comfort that I successfully ended a dependent 8 year relationship with my new skills and the glimpse of loving myself instead of handing my inner child to another in self-abandonment.  Very powerful course!" 11.13

Missy H

"I am very happy that I signed up for the 30 day course. I learned a lot even though I have been practicing Inner bonding for a long time....Going through each of the six steps so thoroughly expanded my knowledge. I got a much better understanding of spiritual guidance and taking loving action. Thanks for such a great experience!!!" 11.13


"I found the 30 Day Love Yourself course really helpful....It was really eye opening....It has given me a real sense of power....I had read about loving yourself, and it seemed like an easy principle, but I would try and didn't really know how!  So this is a great way to learn how and understand what steps you need to take to get there....I am very satisfied with this course and I think I will start at the beginning again to really cement what I have learned."  11.13


"This course was phenomenal. I have done inner child work before and I can tell the expertise you have in this system and how your system is uniquely transformational on many levels. This was life changing. I thank you for all the work you've done on yourself in order to bring this to us! " 11.13

Karen C

"Even though I have been a member of IB for almost a year and half,  I continued to learn so much more....This course could be an essential part to new members where many of them could get off on a better start/understand what Inner Bonding is all about and how it can make huge impact in your life within 30 day's.  I highly recommend this course to new members as well as to long time members."  11/13

Mark DeNovellis

"Thank you for offering ways to make me look at what is challenging for me. This program can be done more than once, actually I recommend doing it more than one for the emotional wholeness it provides. It empowers me to be objective when I work with clients which makes it that I can help them to resolve what they cannot see for themselves while at the same time tendering to my own heart. Dr. Margaret’s wisdom is most certainly empowering me to be of better service to my clients and offer value that is priceless."


"I could not be thankful enough to you for getting to know you and spending this 30 days together with You…. it is great that you, the creator herself, is 'reachable', available. We could have live, quick contact, like with a family member, with a best friend. Great!

"You gave me peace and passion, understanding, support, compassion and a virtual mothering as well….I liked to being pampered day by day, I had the feeling of belonging to somebody who was never upset or too tired to pay attention to me - understanding and supporting me...This is the easiest and most digestible method I have ever met...and I doubt I could find a better, more useful one. Thank you Margaret for giving me a rebirth!:):) 11.13


"Even after doing IB for several years this course changed the way I approached my IB practice and allowed me to change critical false beliefs that I did not realized before.…it allowed me to go deeper in healing layers of my Self. I am now much more in the present moment living life guided through Spirit every second, taking care of myself in loving ways. I am thankful for having this opportunity and recommend it to anyone who wants to find peace and love in their life....that peace and love that lies in the depths of ourself once we heal the protections!" 11.13

Denise Dziwak

"It’s difficult to put into words the impact this course has had on my life…I was blown away by Margaret’s attention to detail, explaining concepts over and over again when necessary, always with good examples from real life. Also so impressive was Margaret answering all of our questions with great clarity coupled with genuine love and compassion....Today, I feel much more “filled up….my wounded self seems to be retreating from my life….I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic in my life now. …and I have access to love now….Much love and gratitude to a great teacher." 11.13


"I love this course!! ....I had a counselor who years ago tried to get me to the place that you have done so easily with the inner bonding process....Your course was the best advice my friend ever gave me."  11.13

S. K.

From the Forum: I like having the contact with Dr. Margaret and getting answers to questions. She is so reliably patient and kind. And it is hugely helpful to talk to others on the forum. I never got very far with Inner Bonding by reading books; it's only now that I have a grasp of what it is all about. 11.13


From the Forum: I LOVE the meditation related to today’s lecture; it’s one of the most beautiful meditations I’ve ever heard. Just hearing the music, Dr M’s voice and -- beauty, love, care, kindness which emanates from the meditation -- makes me want to weep (with joy). 11.13


"The 30 day course was a powerful way to work with Inner Bonding. It's a great introduction for those new to IB, but it's also excellent for those experienced with IB because it takes the process to a deeper level. I've been going through some challenging life circumstances, and this course helped me to not only face these challenges but to learn, grow and heal from them. Much gratitude for this course and for IB." 9.13


"I loved it!

"It is indeed demanding to faithfully spend some time, daily, listening to the visualization, reading what Margaret shared with us and doing personal IB work. But it is so worthwhile! Up to now I had been reading numerous articles about IB, participated in Telephone Groups, followed an intensive, explained the 6 steps to many people, and so on. I had noticed a certain positive change in my life. The 30-Day course taught me that IB is more an experiential than intellectual process. It helped me practice the process each day and consequently I am experiencing the many benefits of it.

"I now listen more to what my body tells me and to my feelings. The content of the course has helped me discover many false beliefs, dating from my childhood, and grow towards becoming a more loving adult for my inner child.

"What a marvelous idea Margaret had to put together this 30-Day Course! I found it superb. And when the 30 days are over, one can continue to use it at one’s own rhythm, deepening one or the other lesson if need be.

"Thanks to Margaret and her 30-Day Course, I am now practicing IB, enjoying all the fruits of this 6 steps process. I have recommended it to some of my friends and will not hesitate to continue spreading this good news in this Warm Heart of Africa (Malawi)." 9/13

Michel Cote,Priest

"I found this course life changing!  The content was very rich and eye opening! It really has helped my whole family, even if they don't realize it :) During the course, my 11 year old son with high functioning autism said to 'Mom, you're changing. I don't know how but it's good.' I really enjoyed the videos of you, maybe because I'm a visual learner!?! Especially the one where you demonstrated techniques of IB. Thanks again Dr. Margaret!"


"LOVED IT. Incredibly effective. Of all the therapeutic and spiritual practices I have explored, Inner Bonding is the most effective because it provided me a simple and direct, but also profoundly effective process for accessing love, respect and trust for myself."  9/13

Amber DuPuy

"I loved it!  I always really love the video and audio visualizations and getting an email everyday was helpful in focusing.  The forum was great - and I always like the conference calls."

Val Dudley

"I loved the course, and it had a tremendous impact on me.  I particularly like the 15-minute a day format - while I might procrastinate picking up a long lesson, finding 15 minutes a day was eminently manageable.  The combination of videos and text was great.  It's been a wonderful healing process for me, and I've learned a lot." 9/13


"I thought the course was very well designed and helpful. The online format (versus face-to-face) allows for deep reflection, the extended time (a full month vs. a one-week or three-day workshop) promotes development of new habits, and hearing others’ perspectives of course, makes for a very rich experience. Being able to ask you specific feedback and get answers immediately was fantastic. Thanks for all your help!" 9/13


"Thank you so much for the 30 day Inner Bonding course. What I liked was that there was a bit to do each day.  I thought it was good that you spaced it out and gave a day off because everyone gets busy. I really enjoyed the coaching calls and answering questions." 9/13


"I loved the 30-day course! I already miss the daily messages….It is changing my life in such a positive way--deeper awareness of feelings and intentions, stronger connection to feelings as an inner guide, greater sense of security within, and more willingness to trust God….I liked the variety of formats for messages--daily messages, videos, audios, coaching calls, forum….I liked having the material organized into daily lessons for 30 days and I took it at a pace that worked for me. Seems like an excellent format for learning. With gratitude and respect." 9/13

Dr. S.C.

"I actually enjoyed the course a lot. I must confess, I was skeptical of how much more I would actually learn about IB after having read the free online IB course, read lots of articles on the website, listened to almost all the webinars available, bought and used the SelfQuest software etc. But I was pleasantly surprised how this course answered lots of questions I still had on IB and on how the detailed guidance through visualizations and text helped me through the IB process. The forum and coaching calls were an additional bonus, either as a form of getting questions answered or hearing other people with similar questions. In fact they gave you a feeling that you are not alone. It was interesting to notice how by doing this course together we all sort of stumbled across the same questions and struggles as we were going through the same process. This was a comforting thought throughout the 30 days of the course. Thanks!!" 9/13


"I really appreciate your teaching and this program. For me the 30-day course has been a really good opportunity to strengthen my Inner Bonding practice. I have been following your teaching and audio program for a number of years. This course has given me an opportunity to get an even more in-depth experience with this process. I am very grateful for this opportunity, Thank you." 9/13

Kaye Williams

"Thank you so much for providing this intensive course….for the first time in my life, I'm starting to see the many times I've abandoned my inner child and avoided taking responsibility for my feelings. I'm also learning how to be more compassionate with myself and to check in with the wisdom of my body and guidance." 9/13


"The course was well laid out, timing of topics was perfect, and I really believe in the Inner Bonding Process now. I loved it and would recommend it to someone who was serious about learning a new method of journaling and inner work for deep inner healing. Thank you for your consistent presence and the trust that you engendered…and for the whole 30 day experience. Thank you again for this class---I was so happy to have taken it. It turned out to be even more than I expected." 9/13


"Thanks so much - my life has improved immeasurably since starting the course…. my physical appearance, health and home look much better, and I have gone through the most painful time in my life in a graceful and compassionate way, largely due to this practice." 9/13

Liz M.

"Thank you so much for all you do, and for this course.  I can't believe the difference a month has made.  I don't want this course to end."

Beth Hyland

"This course has been wonderful - thank you!" 9/13


"Thank you so much Dr. Margaret.  Even though I have been with Inner Bonding for so many years, this course has been a major break through for me.  I can't thank you enough." 9/13


"After working with an Inner Bonding Mentor, she recommended I take the Love Yourself Course. I had been in therapy and came away pacified and unburdened but never truly healed. Many years ago I shut away my Inner Child and I had no idea, tools or models about how to love myself. This course is a great start. I especially enjoyed the videos and visualizations. Now that I have a road map I am learning how to love myself, for the first time in my life."  6/14


"Before registering for the ‘Learn to Love Yourself’ course, I had been a member of the Inner Bonding Village for just two months, but I hadn’t really settled in. I was still testing the waters and was hoping that the course might help me feel a bit more comfortable with the process. But I was very sceptical. Having come from a Catholic background which, as an adult, I wished to just put behind me and forget about, I kept feeling continuously prickled when I read the words God or Spirit. I think it was at least two weeks into the course before I experienced a breakthrough that allowed me to feel free and open-minded, like a child who has been allowed to let her imagination run wild, who has been unleashed from rules and restraints and been told that whatever she believes in her heart IS the truth – HER truth!

This seed of self-trust was given a good watering during the course! And as I continue to practice and integrate Inner Bonding into my daily life, I continue to water it, nurture it and watch it grow and grow before my eyes. Inner Bonding has provided me with a practical, visually creative and profoundly personal way to tend to myself, moment by moment throughout the day. This course has given me the reassurance and courage I needed to do “the work” on my own in the comfort of my own home.

"Throughout the 30 days, I felt so cradled and cared for by Dr Margaret, her amazing facilitators and by the new friends who I have come to know and love within this sacred space. I was overwhelmed by the community spirit that grew and grew over the four weeks and continues to grow as we share our onward journeys beyond the end of the programme. In the words of Daniel Siegel, whose work “Mindsight” beautifully echoes the process of Inner Bonding, I feel my identity has expanded and I am now “part of a much larger whole.”

"Thank you so much Margaret and Erika for your love, wisdom and sharing – thank you from the bottom of my heart." 6.14


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How simple life would be if love for ourselves and others was our guiding light! How different our planet would be if love were more important than control and profit. We each have the choice in each moment to make this true.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
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Dr. Margaret Paul

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