Workshop Testimonials

Wondering if you should attend a workshop? Reading these testimonials will convince you!

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"[Of most value was] The combination of conceptual understanding and practice, all in bite-size learning chunks. Inner Bonding is a psycho-spiritual technology that should be in every therapist's toolbox, and deserves a special place in the lives of all pursuing self-development!" Los Angeles Workshop, Feb. 2000

David Grudermeyer, Ph.D.,Psychologist
Del Mar,CA

"The Inner Bonding principles are the best part of the workshop (next to the people). OK - I admit - I like the people the very best. Meeting them was of most value to me. Margie is committed and caring and a great role model." Los Angeles, Feb. 2000

Jill Kimball,Nurse

"This has been a very healing day for me and the process has shown me my true potential. I realize that the only real choice is to move into Spirit because without it means working very hard at a solo effort." Los Angeles, May 2000

Tim Biancalana,Actor
Santa Monica,California

"Experiencing the whole process was so helpful. It filled in so many gaps in my growth experience. I've made a commitment to work on my process and practice the steps daily." Los Angeles, May 2000

Deanna Seiler,Teacher
San Pedro,California

"Incredible - insightful - as if I am taking the workshop for the very first time [this is her second time] - but as a 'different' me. I am grateful for my growth and yet still see how far I have to go. [Margie was] amazing. Open. Honest. Beautiful." Los Angeles, May 2000

Elaine Katz,Coach/Writer
Santa Monica,California

"Inner Bonding was explained clearly and fully. The activities were deeply moving and thought provoking. Excellent ratio of individual and group work." Los Angeles, May 2000

Sharon Schweitzer

"Very helpful to walk through the six steps so thoroughly and in community. I enjoyed the verbal explanation, followed by the modeling, followed by the practicing. Very thorough." Los Angeles, May 2000

Wendy Haines,Actress/Karate teacher
Santa Monica,California

"A deepening of my process - of knowing myself and loving myself and others more fully." Los Angeles, May 2000

Susan Rosenstein,Mother/Grad Student
Santa Monica,California

"The most important experience I want to share is learning all the ways I have used in the past to get love and avoid pain, the many ways I used to control and the false beliefs that I operated under, and particularly learning to have compassion for myself." LA Workshop 9-10/01

Steven Shaps,Psychotherapist
Woodland Hills,California

"I felt like I was living the pages of the book, "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" LA Worksho 9-10/01

Art Ross,Real Estate
Santa Paula,California

"I learned that it is important to honor your inner child and to access your higher power/Spirit on a regular basis. This is critical if we want to find a true balance in our life." LA Workshop 9-10/01

Bob Poline,Headhunter
San Diego,California

"My second weekend workshop. Did one 6 or 7 years ago. So helpful to see my growth (still plenty to do). I've been practicing more in the last 6 months and although I'm feeling led to some scary changes, there's a much stronger sense of inner power than ever before - imagine if I practiced the process every day for the rest of my life!" LA Workshop 9/10/01

Ginger Saltzgaber,Bookkeeper
Sherman Oaks,California

"It felt so very safe and each person was so full of love and support for each other. It was a place to feel your pain." Los Angeles Workshop, Sept. 1999

Robyne Harrington
Los Angeles,CA

"[The Inner Bonding Workshop] put me back on the path of doing the work and will move me past the 'stuck' place I was in!" Workshop at Kripalu in MA, July, 1999

Patricia Izzi

"Margaret was phenomenal! She is full of love, widsom and knowledge. I love being in energy like that." Kripalu, July, 1999

Joy Ventre

"It gave me more insight on how to move within myself and remove 'blockages' that hinder me from growing to a full loving adult. Margaret is extremely knowledgeable and able to get that knowledge to us." Kripalu, July, 1999

Rick Havunen

"At the workshop I learned a great deal about the process and how to apply it in every day life. My experience with Spirit has been a close connection in times of trauma but this weekend I was reminded how to deeply connect with Spirit in times of Joy! The very next day, after packing all my things, I took a big risk [Stephani is disabled and confined to a wheelchair] and moved to Utah. I was driving by myself in the car (for 14 hours) and I began thinking about the workshop and this new process. I felt empowered by the process eough to make this life change. It was a huge deal to me to commit to driving that long by myself, not knowing what wheelchair access nightmares I might encounter. My cellular phone gave a sense of security. I knew as I drove along, that if any problem arose I could just call for help. Soon after driving through Las Vegas, I noticed the PacBell icon had disappeared from the LCD on my phone. Curious, I tried calling someone. The phone was out of service. For the next couple of hours my insurance policy was gone! This is very scary for a woman traveling alone. It then occurred to me that I was not alone. I called on Spirit and my Guides to be with me in the car. We dialogued about all the fears that were triggered and about my feeling of helplessness in taking care of myself in an emergency. I made it safely to Utah, feeling a lot stronger and more self-assured that I could handle it. I am handling it and I don't have to handle it alone!"

Stephani Victor,Actress, Inspirational Speaker
Los Angeles,California

"This process is a miracle for me. I have tried my whole life to have a connection with God and not until I found the Inner Bonding process, have I been able to make that connection. This process is helping me get in touch with my truth and honoring my truth without needing validation from others. I am looking forward to a passionate life full of love by connecting to God and bringing that love to myself and letting that love shine."

Kelly James
Los Angeles,California

"[The workshop] answered a lot of questions that I haven't found answers to for a long time."

Charmaign Looper
San Francisco,CA

"The process is simple and natural, gentle yet strong. It recharged my essence with energy of joy and peace as it brought me back to inner balance. Margaret was very warm, considerate and professional."

Rinat Amir
Los Angeles,CA

"I've been on a journey to 'find myself' for a while now. That included attending Tony Robbins' Mastery University and having counseling. Something was missing though. I knew the answers were inside me but hadn't found the tools yet to access them. Margaret gave me the tools and it was light a light bulb! This makes so much sense to pay attention to myself, ask myself - honor myself.. She was excellent - compelling, passionate, loving - one of the best [leaders] I've had." April, 1998

Debbie Wexler

"Inestimable value. It provides the truth; the truth necessary for any healing work to be effective; the framework to ensure that whatever tools you work are applied with the right intent. Thank you for helping to birth this work and for continuing to offer your gift to others. Very nice work you're doing!"

Jeff Meyer

"I now have some tools to look into the places within myself that always used to feel unsafe. Margaret is a giant of the heart. I have now seen someone model what it is to be committed to healing and growth.

Art Rost

"I realized how many manipulations and controlling behaviors I used. It was illuminating to acknowledge and love my wounded self - and liberating!

Esther Wolk

"[The workshop] really opened my eyes and my heart to compassion...around my addiction to shame. Helped me see the need to accept my helplessness over others. Margaret was excellent - outsides match insides - can see the work of the six steps in her life."

Susan Bennet

"I have learned a process that I have been looking for for a long time that will help me move from my pain, depression and anxiety into more joy and enjoyment and fulfillment in my life."

Ted Behr

"I now have a process for what had been a very haphazard and only partially successful means for understanding myself. Hopefully, this is just a beginning and the six steps will lead to action. Margaret: you are terrific, talented, insightful, with an excellent ability to turn a desperate group of people into an engaged, cohesive unit."

Wendy Rethere

"After 25 years of work/searching (primal, Jungian, rebirthing, bioenergetics, etc.) I feel open to shifting gears and using Inner Bonding as a 'day to day/moment to moment' vehicle for change. Margaret, thank you for your loving presence, abundant energy and clear presentation of a simple but comprehensive model for change."

Jim Albe

"Extremely valuable. I felt very given to - a wonderful experience. Margaret was extremely knowledgeable, prepared, giving, passionate, articulate, committed, enthusiastic."

Darsham Alba

"This workshop provided me with some very deep insights into what keeps me stuck in my life and how to get unstuck. The piece about connecting core shame with fear of feeling helpless sent ripples that shook me to my toes! Margaret was very skilled as a presenter. She was articulate, present, very responsive to the participants, insightful and loving."

Paul Costello

"The workshop opened me up to a part of myself I never knew I had. Margaret was absolutely amazing! Professional, compassionate, beautifully open to learning."

Dan Jenkins
Boston,MA (Interface)

"I have a sense of direction now about healing myself that I never had before. Margaret was fantastic."

Kate Goldsbourgh
Boston,MA (Interface)

"I broke through blocks in two major core issues in my life, as I have in her other workshops. As usual, I feel very transformed and look forward to more steps on my life journey with Margaret Paul. She is outstanding, a gift from God."

Judy Predmore
Boston,MA (Interface)

"This work is so profound for me, so healing. I was needing to be reconnected with Spirit and I think I've got it! Thanks."

Jennifer Wicchers
Boston,MA (Interface)

"A+++ - Margaret has a wonderful way of relating to people and relating information to people."

Linda Hansy
Boston,MA (Interface)

"I have done much work before but this goes right to the essence of what it means to (be)come human."

Van Houte Johannes
Boston,MA (Interface)

The 6-Step process is such a wonderful tool to discover yourself, to develop spiritually, to deal with emotional reactions, and above all to become a better person. Highly recommended.

Heather Anderson,Office Manager

COMMENTS BY PARTICIPANTS AT INTERFACE IN BOSTON: "Outstandingly valuable tools for changing one's life in permanent ways. Margaret Paul is a terrific role model." "This program was excellent. Very helpful and presented in a way that made it safe to handle." "Margaret Paul's offering is fantastic, grounded, practical. After years of therapy, [this was] the best thing that happened to me."


"I wanted to write and again express my appreciation to you for the workshop on Inner Bonding you recently conducted here. All of us involved in putting together the workshop feel that it was a tremendous success. I have heard from several participants that although they had already read your books on the Inner bonding process, having the opportunity to hear you and work with you directly was immensely beneficial."

Larry Bass, Ph.D.,Associated Psychological Services, Inc.

Comments from Margaret's presentation at the 1997 Psychology of Health, Immunity and Disease Conference sponsored by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine at Hilton Head, NC.: "Thank you Dr. Paul, what a gift. Absolutely powerful. What an amazing integration of all I ever knew/learned. It put it all together." "This was a meaty, wonderful session. She covered content and gave us an experience of it. Loved it!" "She was great! Have her back! Very moving, helpful process." "This workshop was exactly what I needed. Puts many things together. Have her back for a longer time." "I have used your healing aloneness material and they have changed my life. I also use there materials for my ACOA groups and they make such a difference. Thank you." "This is just the process I needed. I am so grateful and hope-filled - relieved. Thank you so much." "This was very informative and helpful. An excellent teacher. I will use this in my own practice." "Dear Margaret, thanks for the 6 step process and the new light of providing a loving guide. I appreciate the meditation for creating/contacting that guide."

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Physical expression of affection is as comparable to sexuality as the dancer is to the prostitute. It is a matter for the heart.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

10/28/2024 08:00 AM
3-Day Intensive & Add On to Margaret's Intensive
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

All Inner Bonding Events