Intensive Testimonials

Reading about other's experience at Intensives can help you to decide if this is something you want to do. It can also help to allay any fears you might have about attending an Intensive. While most people are nervous when they first come, by the 2nd or 3rd day they are having a wonderful time and wishing it would go on longer!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Intensives.


'This was awesome!' Colorado Intensive 6.12

Josh Kutchai,Owner of a Tutoring company

'Being new to Inner Bonding, I was really nervous about what to expect, what I'd say, all of the control I was in denial of even having.  My therapist said it would be life changing, so I was excited but hesitant. I can hardly even put into words the depth of the learning, the love I feel for myself and the other people here who shared, trusted, let go and helped me 'see me' in a new way.  To give yourself the gift of an Intensive, is by far one of the deepest, most loving thing I believe a person can do.  Take the risk and let the Spirit bring you wherever you need to go.' Colorado Intensive 6.12

Betsy White,Teacher
De Pere,WI

'Incredible experience!  An amazingly wonderful, loving and safe environment for exploring my wounds, protections and blocks while learning to love myself and heal.  Anyone wishing to learn to open their heart and bring more peace, joy and love to their life should consider an Intensive.' Colorado Intensive 6.12

Karen Maddox,Nurse Practitioner

'Transformational.  Life changing.  A loving gift for myself and ultimately for everyone else in my life.' Colorado Intensive 6.12

Michael Barmak ,Psychotherapist

'My third Intensive was surprisingly revelatory, in that I was finally able to access and process some deep woundedness that I had not fully recognized before.  I feel more whole than I did five days ago.  Yeah!  Thank you, Margaret and my fellow brave participants.' Colorado Intensive, 4.12

John Collinge,Editor/Publisher

'After 20 years of searching, researching, reading, workshops, trainings, retreats and healing modalities, Inner Bonding was the gigantic missing puzzle piece in the center of the puzzle.  It's the answer for me.' Colorado Intensive, 4.12

Karen Dean,Court Reporter

'Was a very powerful experience.  Really opened my eyes to how I live in an intention to control and allow little love for myself.  Saw how my lack of self love effects all aspects of my life, especially close relationships.  I came to the Intensive looking to solve my relationship and partner's problems and now leaving trying to establish a relationship with myself and letting go of my partner and her issues.  They are just a distraction for my lack of self love.  This was very hard for me to see and Margaret gently and persistently got through to me.' Colorado Intensive, 4.12

Mike McGill,General Contractor
Key West,FL

'I had never done a spiritual retreat before and was somewhat resistant.  But Margaret creates a loving, safe space for the group that allows everyone to open up.  Even a skeptic like myself.  Margaret provides real insight into childhood wounds and how we carry them around in our current personalities and relationships.  Inner Bonding becomes the answer to everything.  All our hang-ups, false beliefs and issues with control become transparent in one conversation with Margaret  This is one of the most valuable days I have spent in my life for myself and my relationship, and it makes me excited to learn more about my own processing and creating Inner Bonding as a regular practice.' Colorado Intensive, 4.12

Jessica Duncan,Business Owner, Clothing Designer
Sugarloaf Key,FL

'The Intensive was moving, thought provoking, emotionally stirring, intense, intense emotionally, eye opening.' Colorado Intensive, 4.12

Anne Anderson,Registered Nurse

'This was my first Intensive and it allowed me to see the resistance I have had to getting well.  It helped me get in touch with my emotions, and I believe it was in my highest good to have a role model like Margaret to show me how to be a Loving Adult.' Colorado Intensive, 4.12

Denise Ray,Assistant Store Manager

'I am so happy I participated in this Intensive with Margaret and some other wonderful people.  Inner Bonding has now gone from my head into my heart.  I feel much relief from blockages that not only affected my emotional life, but my physical health as well.  I am going back home with trust and confidence - life will be happier, greater and easier to share with others.  I also feel that I got much closer to my loving heavenly Father during these 5 days - it will be easier for me now to allow him to work through me.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Michel Cote,Catholic Missionary Priest
Quebec City,Quebec

'I have got lots of validation about the wisdom I have inside of me.  I have learned a lot about myself watching other people's work.  It was very educational on emotional and spiritual levels.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Gloria Quispe,Tour Guide
Tour Guide, Peru

'What an honor to witness the growth in my fellows at the Intensive.  I take away with me the knowledge that I have all I need within myself, a joyous Inner Child, Loving Adult & a powerful, constantly loving & tender Inner Guide.  I value this greatly as so much energy was put into looking outside of myself for the connection.  The treasure was buried within.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Gina Popejoy,Administrative Professional

'These five days have given my husband & I the tools to achieve our desire for a whole & loving marriage.  We are looking forward to the rest of forever.  Thank you Dr. Margaret Paul for your love and dedication to this work.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Cheri Broughton
San Diego,CA

'The Inner Bonding Intensive in Santa Barbara was truly transformational for my wife Cheri & I.  The despair of our relationship last year has turned into the joy of a new beginning for us.  All my gratitude and love to Dr. Margaret Paul and her profound work on our planet.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Jim Broughton,Director

'Before the Inner Bonding Intensive, I had suffered major anxiety and depression for most of my adult life.  I tried countless ways of getting "rid" of it.  Learning Inner Bonding at the Intensive finally gave me the tools I needed to take care of my emotions, to be in tune with my Inner Child, and to take loving action in positive, fulfilling and exciting ways!  I'm so excited for the relief that I feel!  I know that it's more than just a band-aid, but a long-lasting strategy for life!!' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Amy Hunter

'The Intensive was a fast track pass to some deeper healing.  It was very helpful to listen to the other people working with Margaret.  Not only did it give you great insight to yourself, but also bring up history to work on.  It was enlightening, a deep learning of truth.  I learned to not just love myself, but how to do it.  I felt it, discovered it, and watch it grow.  People transformed before my eyes.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Hillary Pate,Mother

'This is a life changing experience for me.  Margaret's loving, caring presence was a gift in growth.  Learning about the Inner Bonding experience and experiencing it with the group was awesome.  I know this is but the beginning of the journey for me.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.12

Karen Raisler

'It gets better and better.  Each Intensive I've attended brings forth deeper layers of healing.' NY Advanced Intensive, 11.11

Penny Boyle

'This has been the most amazing experience.  So much love and support from Dr. Margaret and everyone here.  I really feel the love and healing of Inner Bonding - seeing it in other people and watching them do their work and support them, and have them support me is transformational.' NY Advanced Intensive, 11.11

Clare Fogle,IT Project Manager

'As always, a life changing experience.  To know and have reinforced over and over that I am the provider of my joy, love and life experiences.  I am the source of all that I want, need and crave.' NY Advanced Intensive, 11.11

Cindy Shore,Inner Bonding Facilitator

'This Intensive was a gift for me.  As always, it reconfirmed that I am on the right path.  It helped me to continue my steady connection with my Inner Guidance.  Once again, I give thanks for the presence of Margaret on this planet.' NY Advanced Intensive, 11.11

Grace Escaip,Psychotherapist
Boynton Beach,FL

'My second Inner Bonding workshop experience and Wow!  How great it has been.  Realizing deep healing needed to happen around being absent from my young daughters has been in my heart for a few years.  The healing began this weekend because of the safe, loving atmosphere and Margaret's direction and guidance.  Wonderful people - great hospitality - and strength to keep on keeping on!!!' NY Advanced Intensive, 11.11

Linda VanAuken,Addiction Counselor
Ft. Wayne,IN

'One of the best gifts one can ever give oneself is to attend an Inner Bonding Intensive.  Working one to one with Dr. Margaret Paul and being lovingly guided by her, you will learn what you are thinking and doing to create your own woundedness.  You will learn in a safe, confidential environment, supported by like minded people, how to connect to your true Essence and Guidance and to feel the peace and joy that that brings to you.  Inner Bonding is a wonderful tool to help you life your life in a truly, authentic way.' New York Advanced Intensive, 11.11

Ann Forsyth,Reflexologist & Flower Essence Consultant

'I came to this Intensive with absolutely no idea what to expect.  I simply asked God to help me to stay open to whatever was here for me.  I participated with 100% of my being, only to find confusion and frustration.  Then it was Day 2!!  And Day 3.  And Day 4.  By the middle of Day 5, I got it!!  By suiting up and showing up through all the processes designed by Margaret, I was able to meet a wonderful part of myself that I have tucked away and abandoned for most of my life.  Margaret creates a loving and safe atmosphere, which is so important to me.'  Colorado Intensive, 10.11

Michelle Danon,Retired, Real Estate

'All my life I always felt something was wrong with me and I felt very alone.  I tried all kinds of therapies throughout my life (I'm 58 now), everything from encounter groups, primal screaming to Hakomi, A&D Treatment center, Terri Kellogg, Intensive ACOA treatment, Hoffman Quadrinity Process to Avatar to private therapists and counsellors, to 12 Step groups to religions, and A Course in Miracles.  Although I felt relief from all of them and it kept me going, I was always left with me, the woman who never feels good enough, feels alone and lonely, very knowledgeable and educated but still unworthy and did I say alone and lonely?  Yeah, that continued.  I didn't know how to end this torture of being me.  I blamed it on my abusive childhood and most of all on me for being a loser and screw up.  Inner Bonding is the 1st therapeutic intervention that has taught me how to love myself.  It is a 'simple process', but not easy.  But now I know I have a model of recovery of self love that does work and will work if I work it.'   Colorado Intensive, 10.11

Barbara Green,Mental Health/Addictions Counsellor
Williams Lake,BC

'This Intensive has been a safe and loving experience in which to explore the very deepest aspects of my being.  With the wise guidance of Dr. Paul, and the loving participation of my fellow attendees, I was able to see more fully my True Self.  And to then help remove the blocks to the becoming of the loving being my Guidance has always wanted me to be.  The experience was absolutely fabulous.  Thank you Dr. Paul!'  Colorado Intensive, 10.11

Stanley M. Gordon,Retired Dentist

'I learned as much from witnessing others doing their work, as I did from my own sessions.  Over the course of several days, there were many insights and many ways in which 'the dots started to connect'.  I went in and out of resistance, and watched others do the same.  The power of an Intensive is that there is that time for things to percolate, and for connections to be made - both between people and between the insights that I am discovering.' Intensive, Colorado 10.11

Ishwari Sollohub,Psychotherapist
Santa Fe,NM

'I've read so many books in self-help, attended many workshops, but I have never experienced something like Inner Bonding.  It touches me so deeply and opened my eyes to see who truly I am, and gave me a powerful tool to heal any issue I want to heal.' Intensive, Colorado 10.11

Raed Almutairi ,MBA Student
+34 662001747

'I uncovered blocks within myself that I didn't even know existed!  If you decide to attend an Intensive, be sure you are ready to undergo transformation, and lots of it, because it will definitely happen.  But it all happens in a very safe and loving environment, that allows your issues to rise to the surface to be healed and accepted once and for all.' Colorado Intensive, 10.11

Mary Knebel,Project Manager

'If you can muster up the courage to take just one step to improving your life I would recommend the Inner Bonding Intensive.  If you're looking for inner peace, joy and happiness you can begin to find it here.  If you're willing to do the work to transform your life and discover who you really are, come to an Inner Bonding Intensive.  Discover your wholeness!' Colorado Intensive, 7.11

Ann Maes,Financial Advisor
Santa Fe,NM

'During one of the lowest points in my life, the five-day Intensive was a truly transformational experience.  The beauty, safety and openness of this experience is unique and full of joy and learning.  Dr. Margaret Paul is an incredible soul and has a gift that is truly spiritual and ultimately insightful.' Colorado Intensive, 7.11

Jim Broughton,Professional

'I never experienced so much healing in such a short time.  The understanding of Margaret and the group was amazing.  It gave me a profound insight into myself.  I am grateful for the time I spent at the Intensive.' Colorado Intensive, 7.11

Karin Gehrig

'This Intensive has had a powerful impact on my life.  The Intensive brought all of the written information to life and created a new perspective on what my life can be.  These are the first real intentional steps on my journey to a life of freedom to be my true self.  A beginning to free myself from self blame, self judgment and self criticism and treat myself instead with compassion, kindness and honesty.' Colorado Intensive, 7.11

Cyndi Noonan

'Absolutely amazing.  This is my 4th Intensive and each one I have gotten more and more out of it.' Colorado Intensive, 7.11

Alan Wakefield,Associate Engineer
Santa Clarita,CA

'Coming to this Intensive with the intention to heal with spirit and the participants of this Intensive has turned out to be one of the most profound, incredibly amazing, empowering and healing experiences I have ever had.  I took my power back!! Colorado Intensive, 7.11

Jackie Parkinson,Spiritual Psychotherapist
Port Dover,Ontario

'Working with Margaret Paul was truly a gift.  She is a master healer who is gifted and wise but so loving so kind, so willing to be personal and very encouraging.  I have been trying so long to help myself heal from the abuse that I experienced in my life, to stop doubting myself and really start loving myself.  Inner Bonding has helped me connect to my Loving Adult self and has truly taught me that I can take loving responsibility for myself.' Colorado Intensive, 7.11

Barbara Green,Counsellor
Williams Lake,BC

'I absolutely loved the Intensive and the safe space created to explore our hearts. I gained insight, confidence in my own awareness and new relationships. I would definitely recommend the Intensive - this process, in my opinion, is the road home.' Colorado Intensive, 4.11

Jackie Parkinson,Spiritual Psychotherapist
Port Dover,Ontario

'Fantastic! I reached a whole new level of letting go of control, opening my heart, being present to learning from and being with my feelings, and surrendering to my Guidance. I feel like I am claiming who I am called to be and am really excited about stepping into and creating my future from this place of being. Inner Bonding is the most comprehensive process. This is a new way of being and learning and I can see the power of this work rippling out into the world and being a significant force in healing and creating a heartfelt, compassionate, responsible world.' Colorado Intensive, 4.11

Deborah Lange,Integral Futurist and Facilitator for Deep Inquiry and Learning

'The Intensive was an incredible bonding experience with my Higher Self/ Mature Adult and Inner Child; which has now given me the ability to have deep connection with others. Margaret Paul has tremendous intuition and knowledge. She is able to hold a loving space, and allows each individual to experience their own experience and heal from that place. This is the first time I experienced a workshop where it didn't end up ultimately being in the service of the Facilitator's ego. That established a trust that allowed me to heal beyond measure.' Colorado Intensive, 4.11

John M. King,Peer Counselor/Musician
Los Angeles,CA

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Physical expression of affection is as comparable to sexuality as the dancer is to the prostitute. It is a matter for the heart.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

10/28/2024 08:00 AM
3-Day Intensive & Add On to Margaret's Intensive
Karen Kral, MA, LPC

All Inner Bonding Events