Intensive Testimonials

Reading about other's experience at Intensives can help you to decide if this is something you want to do. It can also help to allay any fears you might have about attending an Intensive. While most people are nervous when they first come, by the 2nd or 3rd day they are having a wonderful time and wishing it would go on longer!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Intensives.


'The hood has been pulled off.  The course has allowed me to see how my wounded child inside has been in charge and how it has suppressed my true self from loving others and myself.  The knowledge I have gained from Inner Bonding has become the missing piece of the puzzle of wholeness allowing me to operate as a responsible loving adult.  I was intimidated by the process and then relieved by the simplicity and finally amazed by the results.  I would recommend this to anyone open for change.' Colorado Intensive 4.14

Tony Boe,Internet Sales and Development

'There is nothing in life more important than love of ourself.  Without it, we cannot love others very well, no matter how we try to defy this.  Finding the truth of who we are requires an honest look into how we feel and therefore, what we want for ourself.  Inner Bonding exposes false beliefs we carry in us that hold us back from love and happiness.  For anyone desiring improving their self esteem or relationships, Inner Bonding is a wonderful tool.' Colorado Intensive 4.14

Robert Kelleher,Orthodontist

'I have worked with Margaret for some months prior to the Intensive.  During this work, I gained a lot of clarity about myself.  But it wasn't until I came to the Intensive that it all energetically came together.  I get it.  I get me.  And the Intensive was instrumental in me finally waking up to my own true self.  Margaret Paul is an angel for those seeking the truth about their true essence, and what keeps them from experiencing themselves as true spiritual beings.' Colorado Intensive 4.14


'It was a great experience.  The Inner Bonding Intensive helped me to connect with my inner being and resolve many of my childhood issues.  I am glad that I attended this Five Day Intensive, and would recommend it to anybody who wants to improve his life/relationships.' Colorado Intensive 4.14

Sanjay Seroha,Information Technology

'Once again, this Intensive has been deep and profound, bringing me to places of deep healing and also big challenges.  The most profound truth revealed to me during these 5 days is that the past cannot be healed unless I decide to stand up for myself now.  Everything is in the now, and how I am treating myself.  This was a huge revelation that really helps me understand even more the word 'responsibility'.  I am very grateful for Margaret's constant compassionate and generous presence, and her teachings.  Her energy itself teaches more than anything.  Thank you for being so much what you teach.' Colorado Intensive 4.14

Virginie Hentzienne,Translator

The Inner Bonding Intensive is the most profound healing experience I have ever had.  It helped me to embody my Loving Adult and I gained enormous clarity about the false beliefs of my Wounded Self.  I have been propelled further along the path of having a very strong connection with my Guidance.  I am immensely grateful to Dr. Margaret Paul for making her work available in this format.' Santa Barbara Intensive 2.14


'The power of this Inner Bonding Intensive came in so many forms: witnessing others do work that mirrored or sparked my own learning & growth, watching a master teacher & healer work, peeling back additional layers of the onion of my own learned patterns of protection and control.  I have done all kinds of healing and personal growth work, and Inner Bonding is the work that heals what underlies everything else.' Santa Barbara Intensive 2.14

Carla de Cervantes,Executive Coach & Life Coach
San Francisco,CA

'Inner Bonding give you the power to support yourself and the confidence that you do not need to rely on others for your self worth.  At the Intensive, you get personal guidance to notice when your wounded self hijacks the healing process.  It is valuable to learn from other's experiences which parallel your journey.  Feeling acceptance and compassion for others in the group proves that you have the capability for acceptance and compassion for yourself.' Santa Barbara Intensive 2.14

David Williams

'Inner Bonding allowed me to access the very deepest part of my soul.  It helped me get to a place I've never been before, finally to the core of me.  It has been a challenging but amazing experience, one which has changed my life forever.  Margaret was perfect in every way and helped guide me to the bottom and supported me through that experience, and now I know I have finally reached the core, the only way is up.' Santa Barbara Intensive 2.14

Donna Capper,Self-employed

'I had a profound experience at the Intensive.  Margaret's vibration is so high that just being  in her presence enabled me to unlock long-forgotten memories and energetic blocks.  I knew it was going to be an important process for me but even so I didn't realize quite how powerful it would be.  If you're prepared to look into the deepest recesses of your soul, and face those things that have been holding you back, this process is for you.' Santa Barbara Intensive 2.14

Jo Munday

'I found the Intensive to be a wonderful experience, at a beautiful venue, full of profound golden moments.  To go through such amazing personal work and to share and experience other people's processes in a safe environment is incredibly powerful.  Watching Margaret at work is magical, and I fully intend to attend another Intensive at some point.  I am extremely grateful to have experienced the last 5 days and couldn't recommend it more highly.' Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 10.13

Simon Mundie,Journalist

'Dr. Margaret's skills and her loving manner drew out my true essence, helped me see where I am acting out of my wounded child, and above all underscored the importance - the need - to stay connected with Inner Guidance at all times. Living from that center, I feel I have made a transition.  Thank you Dr. Margaret Paul.'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 10.13

Phyllis Schafer,Retired Teacher
Edmonton, Alberta,Canada

'This experience was truly amazing.  I was able to gain a new, positive way of thinking, another tool in my toolbox, in ways to understand and cope with my feelings.  Understanding why I feel what I feel and where it comes from is enlightening and leads to constant healing powers coming from own energy.'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 10.13

Heather Moscheo,Youth Career Counselor
Albany,New York

'It was a fabulous experience - the power of working in a group and witnessing other people's processes and being witnessed absolutely amplifies the learning, the growth, the transformation and the integration.'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 10.13

Carla de Cervantes,Executive Coach & Life Strategist
Mountain View,CA

'Another wonderful experience!  The more work I do using the 6 steps, the more deeply I feel connected to Spirit and myself!'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 10.13

Penny Piazza

'The Intensive provided a safe place where I could do the work I needed to do in a loving, caring environment.  It changed my life and I believe that using the Inner Bonding techniques I will be able to keep improving my experience.  If you are thinking of going - Just Go!'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 10.13

Anne Raisler,Office Manager

'After a lifetime of feeling deep shame and self depreciation, I have finally found a therapeutic process where I can heal.  I am committed to doing this for myself so that I can become the Loving Adult person I was meant to be.  Inner Bonding is truly life changing.' Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 6.13

Evelyn Dyck,Nurse

'One of the best experiences of my life.  Very liberating.  An opportunity to be in communion with others with wounded hearts and hear their struggles with many common issues that you may also be struggling with.  I left with a sense of empowerment to work through my own struggles and view them from a healthier, more objective perspective.'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 6.13

Holly Zenner,RN - Clinical Research Associate

'My experience with the Inner Bonding Inensive was one of the best of my life.  I have never learned so much, healed so many things inside me, laughed as much or met better souls and friends.'  Colorado 5-Day Intensive, 6.13

Andrew Johnson,Health Care

'As always the Intensive was life changing.  I am never, never disappointed.' Long Island 3-Day Advanced Intensive, 11.13

Cindy Shore
Syosset,New York

'Wonderful, important, life changing.'  Long Island 3 Day Advanced Intensive, 11.13

Steven Shore
Syosset,New York

'Again!!!  A wonderfully deep healing experience bringing greater clarity and wisdom to heal my Inner Child.'  Long Island 3-Day Advanced Intensive, 11.13

Penny Piazza,Counselor

'I feel deeply transformed by this practice.  It is one that has led me to myself.  To see Margaret lovingly guide each participant to feel and know their ability to love themselves is a profound gift to all beings!  Thank you, Margaret!' Long Island 3-Day Advanced Intensive, 11.13

Beth Fairservis,Inner Bonding Counselor & Artist


'This was an enlightening experience that has given me the tools and a process to take more loving care of myself and to share this loving intent with the people around me.  I had no idea how I was creating my own pain.  Now I do!  I look forward to enjoying more peace and joy and love moving forward." Dolores, CO Intensive 4.13

Mindi Ellis,Marketing & Communications
Overland Park,Kansas


'The intimacy of this workshop (with only 13 participants) created the space for each of us to work directly with Margaret multiple times during the Intensive.  The work I did directly with Margaret was illuminating, powerful and transformational.  I was amazed by how much I learned and grew from witnessing the work done by the other Intensive participants.  We learn from each other and in so doing, really experienced how connected we all are and how similar our struggles and challenges are - despite what looks on the surface like very different life experiences.  Margaret is a master facilitator.  I recommend the Inner Bonding Intensive highly and look forward to becoming a certified facilitator in this powerful healing work.' Dolores, CO Intensive - 4.13

Carla de Cervantes,Executive Coach & Transformation Catalyst


"A life transforming experience for me to uncover all those hiding incidents that held me back from having an inner sense of worth - and meaning of love." Dolores, CO Intensive 4.13

Yolanda Weisman,Forgiveness Coach


'This Intensive has allowed me to understand on a deep level all the concepts that I had just grasped intellectually.  The community-sharing of the group, really made me work on a deep level and opened my heart to receive all that I wasn't open to experience by myself.  It created deep openness within me, and profound healing.  Thank you so much!' Dolores, CO Intensive 4.13

Virginie Hentzienne,Translator
Montreal, Quebec,Canada

'Inner Bonding is the awareness that I needed to learn how to love and appreciate myself; to truly know that I am enough.  Without the teachings of IB, I may never have found myself - and embraced myself with love and compassion.  IB is learning to be whole - to be free, to be able to feel love and give love.  IB is a blessing - IB is Peace, Calm, Bliss and Compassion." Dolores, CO Intensive 4.13

Venetia Rahal-Kotoch,Owner/President National Court Reporters, Inc.

'The Intensive was truly amazing. I had read Dr. Paul's literature and was already seeing the positive results of the Inner Bonding process in myself and my marriage. The Intensive took it to a much higher level by giving us the opportunity to practice and apply the Inner Bonding steps with Dr. Paul's guidance. It was like having the opportunity to ride a bicycle after having only read how to do so. My wife and I both had major breakthroughs which I am certain will improve our marriage. It was incredibly helpful and educational to see the other members of our group practice the Inner Bonding process during individual and couple's sessions with Dr. Paul. in a group therapy setting. It was also helpful for my wife and I to see three other couples experiencing the same issues we were experiencing and see them learn to apply the Inner Bonding process to resolve their conflicts.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.13

Rolando Soler,Attorney

'Great opportunity to learn the life long process of Inner Bonding. Very open and supportive and kind atmostphere.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.13

Danielle Smith
Scotch Plains,NJ

'Going to the Intensive is like chicken soup for the soul.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.13

Donna Whitman,Infant/Toddler Specialist
North Port,FL

'One of the greatest gifts that I'll be taking with me is that I got a major breakthrough in understanding my behavior and dynamics with my husband. This insight will definitely help me take better care of my inner child and have a healthier interaction with my husband. I also learned a lot from watching other people's processes. Inner Bonding is very powerful. It gives me the key tools that I've been looking for.' Santa Barbara Intensive, 2.13

Silvana S.

'I am so grateful for the unconditional love that Margaret gives to everyone. Her wisdom, patience and constant support has enabled me to learn how to love myself and share my love with others; to live in joy.' Long Island Advanced Intensive, 12.12

Michael Barmak ,Psychotherapist

'Inner Bonding Intensives are always a gift to myself. I always come away with greater insight; useful information that allows me to be authentic and care lovingly for myself.'
'I had a real breakthrough in this Intensive. Although I had been to many others before, for the first time, I connected to all of my wounded issues and realized that I have abandoned myself my whole life. I learned for the first time how to let God/Grace come into my presence and fill me.' Long Island Advanced Intensive, 12.12

SaeYoung Min,Psychologist
New York,,NY

'I am always floored by my experience at each and every Intensive. It is the safest, most nurturing environment. Life-changing to say the very least.' Long Island Advanced Intensive, 12.12

Cindy Shore

'Another beautiful experience of fine-tuning and opening to my essence. The Inner Bonding Intensive experience keeps getting better and better. There is no ceiling in the experience of soul evolvement, learning & growing!' Long Island Advanced Intensive, 12.12

Penny Piazza

''I experienced so much growth and learning over the 3-Day Intensive. Being supported and being able to give support to others has helped me heal and be able to live a fuller, richer, deeper life. The work done in the Intensive is so amazing and rewarding.' Long Island Advanced Intensive, 12.12

Clare Fogle,IT Project Manager

'Margaret, I am sending you an immense amount of love and gratitude for all that IB has taught me so far, and continues to teach me each and every day! Ever since the Colorado Intensive, my life has opened up to new experiences, a new way of being. My relationships with my mom and sister have changed. I have a new job. And I also have found love! A love I can't even say I dreamed of, because it has been so much more already!!  So from the depth of my heart and soul, I thank you for challenging me, giving me the opportunity, and guiding me to become who I am capable of being.'  Colorado Intensive, 6.12

Betsy White,Teacher
Green Bay,WI

'Beautiful and intense opportunity to learn with a loving heart how to live and most importantly, love and honor myself.  There is intensive personal work and group work, a powerful opportunity for real personal growth.  An incredibly supportive, loving and learning experience.' Colorado Intensive 6.12

Melani Morris,Occupational Therapist

'After attending and participating in my first Intensive, it is my belief that the work that took place was more profound, productive, positive and life giving than any efforts or endeavors that took place in my life up to this point.  I couldn't imagine a soul that wouldn't benefit from Inner Bonding and whose life wouldn't be enriched by the process.  Many thanks to Dr. Margaret, the Inner Bonding Facilitators, community and myself for having the courage to see the truth and embody it.' Colorado Intensive 6.12

John Paul Kramny
North Port,FL

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Do you think more about what you have or about what you don't have? Notice the warmth and peace you feel when you are in gratitude for what you have. Notice the anxiety and sadness you feel when you think about what you don't have. Today, consciously choose gratitude throughout the day for every blessing that comes your way.



Inner Bonding Events

10/23/2024 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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